You Know What I Came For

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Josh straddled Oli and pinned his wrists above his head gently to show him that he wasn't going to hurt him. He pulled away from the kiss and began trailing kisses down his jaw and neck. Oli moaned and bucked his hips up. Josh smirked and sucked on Oli's neck, he bit softly and found his weak spot. He licked at it and bit down, drawing blood. Oli let out a loud moan and bucked his hips again. Josh licked at the blood and moaned. 

 Oli dug his nails into his palm and threw his head back when Josh began grinding on him.

"Hey, Josh I got the system-" Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw the scene unfolding on the kitchen table. "Oh my god, not on the table!" He screamed. Josh sat up on Oli's hips and shot Tony a glare.

"Why does everyone have to cockblock me" He groaned.

"What the fuck happened in here," Tony asked. Oli blushed and cleared his throat. "Why couldn't you guys have done that in your room, people eat here" Tony sighed. "Don't forget about the cake as well" He chuckled

Josh groaned and got off of Oli and walked over to the oven. Oli whined at the loss of friction and sat up. Tony winked at Oli and leaned up against the wall. Josh took the cake out of the oven and set it out to cool.

"Uh I'll clean up and then we can go into the lounge," Josh said awkwardly. He was kind of glad that Tony had walked in because Josh wanted to be sure what Oli wanted before anything happened. And Josh wasn't 100% sure Oli was comfortable around him yet. Oli nodded and tried to will his problem down before they went into the lounge.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I updated the system and everything appears to be running smoothly. I checked the footage from when the rock came through the window, Matt Kean was the one who chucked it" Tony said quietly so only Josh could hear.

Josh nodded and continued cleaning up the mess they had made in the kitchen.

"He was actually still standing outside when we came into the lounge" Tony added. Josh's eyes widened and his mouth went dry.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Josh whisper yelled. Tony nodded. "So you're telling me we could have caught him but we were too distracted by that fucking note" Josh hissed. Tony nodded again and Josh groaned. "Just keep an eye out for him please" Josh simply said. Matt Kean was Horizon's messenger like Kellin was theirs. Tony nodded simply and walked out of the Kitchen. Oli dangled his legs over the edge of the table and played with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Why don't you take your hoodie off so it can be washed again" Josh suggested. Oli nodded and pulled his hoodie off and handed it to Josh who placed it in the laundry basket and took off his shirt which was also covered in flour. Josh picked Oli up and the younger boy wrapped his legs around Josh's torso, Josh ruffled Oli's hair to get the flour out causing Oli to sneeze cutely. Josh smiled and carried Oli into the lounge where Kellin and Mike where playing call out duty and Vic was watching from the other side of the room. 

Josh sat Oli down next to Kellin and threw himself down next to him on the large couch. Kellin smiled at Oli and choked on the drink he was in the middle of drinking when he saw Oli's neck and collar bones.

"Jesus" Kellin choked out. Oli blushed and held back a chuckle and Josh just smirked and huffed in satisfaction.  

"Fuck you!" Mike shouted in frustration when Kellin killed him in the game. Kellin laughed and Mike huffed in defeat. Mike placed the controller down and moved to the far side of the couch.

"Aw, who's a sore loser" Kellin teased. Vic chuckled and Mike crossed his arms. "Do you want a go Oli?" Kellin picked up the controller and handed it to Oliver. Oli nodded and moved closer to the TV. Kellin started the game and they both set out to kill each other in a 1v1.

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