It's Not Your Fault

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Sorry, it took so long to update, I was taking a break :)

Honestly, fuck Wattpad, like it won't let me upload certain images and when it does it goes all weird. It's soooooo annoying. So if pictures upload twice or not all then just ignore it coz I stg I'm about to chuck my computer at a wall :)

But tell me if something fucks up, coz then I can try and fix it

But have a bit of angst and fluff-

Oliver continued to watch as Josh curled in on himself and sobbed on the ground.

He tugged on the handcuffs and frowned at Josh. Come on Josh, everything will be ok. Oli sighed as he gave up on ever getting out of the basement. Josh was to mentally unstable to not hurt Oli again or let him out. Just as Oli was giving up hope the door was thrown open and Vic came tumbling down the stairs, followed by Mike hastily running down them. Tony followed close behind with a first aid kit in his hands.

"Fuck" Vic hissed, he stood up and rubbed his shoulder. He shot Josh a worried look and ran over to him. Tony and Mike ran over to Oli and searched around for the key for the handcuffs. Mike unclipped the handcuffs from the hook and lowered Oli to the ground.

"Are you ok?" Mike asked. Oli shook his head and looked over at Josh with a concerned look. Tony came running back to Oli and Mike with the key in his hands.

"I fucking told him he would regret it" Tony hissed as he unlocked the handcuffs from around Oli's wrists. Tony pushed Oli's curly hair back gently and inspected the large cut on his forehead. He sighed and began cleaning it with disinfectant.

"I'm so sorry Oli" Tony sighed.

"I-It's not y-your fault," Oli said quietly.

"But I should have done something to stop him" Tony covered the wound with a large bandaid and gave Oli a sad look.

"I-It's ok" Oli looked to the ground but Tony lifted his head up and started cleaning the blood from his face and cleaned the cut on his lip. Oli held out his arms to tony and his face dropped when he saw two large cuts across his forearms. Tony took his arms gently and began to clean them up. He wrapped bandages around them and packed away the first aid kit. Oli gave Tony a small smile but Tony just stared at him in confusion. Tony touched the collar around Oli's neck, causing the boy to flinch away.

Tony sighed and stood up. He offered a hand to Oli so he could stand, Oli hesitantly took his hand and stood up. Oli yelped when he fell back down onto the floor. His legs were aching, along with the rest of his body. Tony motioned for Mike to come over from where he was packing things away in the basement, he pointed to Oli with a sad look and Mike nodded.

Mike was about to pick Oli up when an ear-piercing scream came from across the room.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Josh screamed at Vic. Vic backed away and held his hands in from of him defensively. The entire time Tony had been patching Oli up, Josh hasn't noticed they were there. He only noticed when Vic touched his shoulder to try and calm him down.

"J-Josh, you need to calm down," Vic said shakily.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" Josh yelled. Tony stood up and shot Vic a worried look.

"Josh please calm down, you aren't yourself right now" Tony slowly walked between Josh and Vic. Josh swung his fist at Tony but the man ducked before it could come in contact with his face.

"Josh stop!" Vic yelled.

"You're going to let him take Oli away!" Josh screamed. Tony shook his head and back away from Josh.

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