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I hope you enjoy :)

Sorry, I haven't been updating as much, im really trying but I'm just so tired :/

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"Of course, why did I even ask" Vic chuckled.

"True, ok I need all of your help with something" Josh started. Everyone nodded and all attention was on Josh. "Have we still got those tarps and things from the Halloween party last year?" He asked.

"Yeah, but they are covered in fake blood and gross shit," Tony said. "They are in the basement though" Josh grinned and started walking towards the gym.

"Perfect, follow me" Everyone did as they were told and followed Josh, Oli skipped along and walked next to his boyfriend and glared at the man who was still slung over his shoulder. They made their way down to the basement and Josh simply dropped the man onto the ground, not caring if he injured himself or not.

"So what's your plan? Like why do you need old tarps?"Mike asked as he went to the storage cupboard on the other side of the room, he took the black tarps out of the cupboard and threw them onto the table.

"I need them so we can block off all the windows" Josh simply said. Oli smirked and clung onto Josh's arm. "I need there to be no light in the house" 

"Hmmm ok," Jaime grabbed some of the tarps and began carrying them upstairs with Mike following behind him.

"No light is allowed in and lock all the doors that lead outside, besides the front door and Oli and I's bedroom door" Josh added. Oli felt his heart warm up and the fact that Josh called it their room and couldn't help but smiled widely.

"I'm so excited" Oli clapped his hands together and ran to the other side of the room. He grabbed a roll of duct tape and handed it to his boyfriend. Josh thanked him and grabbed the man's wrists. He wrapped the duct tape around his wrists tightly, he huffed in satisfaction and grabbed Oli's waist.

Oli yelped as Josh picked up the boy and hugged him tightly. He buried his face in the crook of Oli's neck and kissed his skin lightly. Oli felt his face heat up and he wiggled out of Josh's grip so he could grab his face and kiss him softly.

"Uh, we are still here" Vic cleared his throat and chuckled, Oli felt his face heat up, even more, and slowly pulled away from Josh and played with the hem of his shirt. Josh chuckled and ruffled Oli's hair before walking back to the table and grabbing the rest of the tarps.

"Yeah I know," Josh said casually as he handed Vic a few more rolls of tape that they had lying around and headed for the stairs.

Josh could sense Oli's embarrassment and quickly changed the subject. "Anyways, I need all of your help so-" Josh motioned to the stairs. "Let's get on with it," Josh said excitedly. He was more than excited to put his plan forward.

Oli quickly ran over to Josh's side and grabbed one of the tarps so he could help him carry them up to the house. Once they had got upstairs they placed the tarps down in the gym and Oli ran a hand through his hair.

"Tony, Vic, you start on the back windows. Jaime and Kellin do the lounge and business room, Lee and Mike do the kitchen and hallway" Josh smiled mischievously and everyone grabbed some tarps and tape and went off to whatever room they had been assigned.

"Oh my god this is so exciting" Oli grinned and Josh chuckled. The blue-eyed man grabbed his boyfriend's hand and led him out of the gym. They walked to the front door and Josh grabbed one of the boxes and Oli did the same.

"I have something for you upstairs that I think you will like" Josh winked at the hazel-eyed boy and Oli's eyes lit up. He wondered what it could be, if Josh got it for him then he knew he would love it. The pair carried the boxes upstairs and into their room.

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