The Sky Really Is Beautiful

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"Where the fuck have you been Syko" Alex gave Oli a joking glare and stood up from behind the counter to greet his friend.

"I got caught up on the way over" Oli had his hands on his knees and was taking deep breaths from practically running down the street.

"Well you're 5 minutes late" Alex sat down on the counter and crossed his arms.

Oli walked up to the counter and pushed the younger male off, Alex yelped and fell onto the floor. He rolled onto his back and let out a groan. Oli let out a triumphant huff and gave a sarcastic smile down to the boy on the floor.

"Well i'm here now so you can go and get fucked by Jack in the back room or whatever" Oli took a seat behind the counter and crossed his arms behind his head. He looked down to see Alex blushing like crazy.

"I- shut the fuck up" Alex stood up and properly glared at Oli this time.

"But you didn't deny it" Oli smirked and lifted his feet to rest them on top of the counter.

"Fuck you, anyways why did you run here?, you know I don't really care if your late" Alex sat down on top of the counter once more and crossed his arms.

"I ran into some kid on the way here"

"Like did you run into him or did you run into him" Alex asked with a confused expression

"Well I bashed into him if that's what you mean" Oli stood up to go and change the CD in the stereo.

"Nice one" Alex laughed

"He was kinda cute but also really fucking creepy" Oli grimaced at the memory and went back to shuffling through the CDs

"What do you mean?"

"Well like he was staring at me the entire time and then when I said I would see him around he gave me this really creepy look and said "i'll see you later" Like what the fuck? and he just gave off this really weird vibe. Apparently he just moved here or whatever" Oli finally picked out a CD and placed it in the stereo, soon the record store was filled with the sound of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance.

"Ew that does sound fucking creepy" Alex hopped off of the counter and made his way to the store room in the back. "Anyways enough of that creepy shit, your freaking me out, I need your help unloading the stuff from the truck when your shift ends"

"Yea yea I know" Oli flipped him off and sat back down behind the counter.

Alex shook his head and walked into the back room, where of course Jack was waiting for him. Oli put his feet back on top of the counter and closed his eyes. He couldn't get that creepy boy out of his mind, the kid was just so unnerving. He looked normal but that look just cancelled that all out.

Oli sighed and let his thoughts run wild, He really hadn't seen that boy around before so maybe he was new around here, But what the fuck did he mean when he said "ill see you later" like yeah I told him where I work so maybe he will pop round to check it out or whatever, maybe i'm over thinking things. Yeah that's what i'm doing, over thinking things. The only way you would see him later is if he came to the store or if you bashed into him again. Oli laughed at his thoughts and shook his head. Today was a Monday so most people would be at work, so Oli knew what to expect. No customers or just the occasional customer. Oli took his feet off of the desk and leant forward so he could place his head on his arms to form a makeshift pillow. Having gotten almost no sleep last night because of Lee's gaming session he immediately fell asleep to the sound of MCR and Jack fucking Alex in the back room. There they go again Oli chuckled and fell asleep.

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