We Should Do That More Often

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AHHHH THANK U SM @ amo.mp3 :)

I hope you enjoy

The hazel-eyed boy blushed at these words and nodded his head, slowly swaying his hips to the rhythm, closing his eyes as he started getting lost in the song. He tangled his tattooed hands in his own hair as he arched his back, causing his chest to stick to Josh's.

Josh looked at his boyfriend in shock, as he was literally dancing like a stripper. He started wondering if Oliver had been a stripper in the past. He groaned when he tried to touch his soft skin since his hands were secured behind his back.

Oli started grinding softly on his boyfriend, letting out soft whimpers, as he was getting hard already, "Mmm....", Oli giggled, "You're really hard, Joshie", he shivered, feeling Josh's hard member against his round ass.

Oli then stood up and lifted his hands in the air, swaying his hips slowly then leaning down to sit on the floor on all fours, "Joshie,", he looked up at Joshua and bit his lip, "Please Joshie!", then sat on his legs, slipping a hand into his panties and throwing his head back, moaning loudly, as usual.

Josh was fuming, he was ready to tear the rope apart and pick up the boy teasing him, throw him on their bed and fuck him till he can't walk properly the next day," Oli, baby, come untie me right now," he spoke lowly, his tone causing the moaning boy to shiver, "You have five seconds, baby boy," he glared softly at Oli, causing him to gulp, "Just untie me, and you won't regret it," he spoke seductively and looked at Oli's hand, which was in his panties and groaned, "Fuck, I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow", he licked his bottom lip.

Oli smirked and stood up, "N-no Joshie! Don't fuck me so hard I won't be able to walk tomorrow", he spoke sarcastically as he started to slowly untie his boyfriend.

Once Josh's hands were free he stood up and lifted Oli quickly, throwing him over his shoulder and walking to their bed, throwing him on it.

The smaller boy grunted softly as he landed on the bouncy mattress, "J-Josh, l-let's talk about this..." he stuttered as he saw the look on his boyfriend's face, he was ready to ravish the hazel-eyed boy.

Josh shook his head and went to grab the rope, then went to his closet and pulled out a black box. He walked back to the bed and climbed over Oli, causing the younger man to lay on his back and look up at him with fear, "J-Joshie how about w-we uhm make l-love softly, in-instead of this....", he was trying to change the blue-eyed man's mind. 

Josh just chuckled and looked at Oli with a raised brow, before he roughly grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head, then tied them to the headboard, "So, now you're scared, you tease, "I mean or we could do this I don't really mind- Oli bit his lip to hold back a smile. Oli didn't really mind-

"Nothing's gonna stop me now, baby", he then opened his black box and pulled out a red blindfold, before setting the box on the nightstand, "I won't stop fucking your tight body until you're trembling".

Oli looked at the blindfold in slight confusion then bit his lip, "O-okay Joshie," his eyes widened before he realized it, "I-I mean SIR! OKAY SIR!" He spoke rather loudly, causing the older man to chuckle.

"Good boy,", he reached to Oli's face and tied the blindfold around Oli's eyes, causing him to gasp then gulp, still not used to the feeling, "You trust me, right?", Josh whispered into the trembling boy's ear.

Oli didn't think twice before nodding, "Yes! Yes, oh God! Just, please do something!", the blindfolded boy whimpered, and arched his back, as he was extremely turned on.

Josh then placed a hand on Oli's chest, keeping him in place, "If you don't stop talking, I'll have to gag you, pretty boy", he growled as he dug his nails into Oli's soft flesh.

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