Look Who's Begging Now

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I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes its 4 am-

"Took you long enough," Josh said lightheartedly. Oli stuck his tongue out at Josh jokingly and waked towards Lee who was struggling to pin Matt down. Tony had already started tending to his boyfriend's wound and Matt was cursing and thrashing around in Lee's grip. Vic was under the table comforting a sobbing Kellin and Jaime tugged on his hair as all chaos ensued.

"Out of the way Lee," Oli said emotionlessly. The hazel-eyed boy was sick and tired of Horizon's bullshit and wanted to end it all right there and then. Lee looked at Oli and his eyes widened when he saw Oli stalking towards him, twirling the bat around in his hand. Lee shakily nodded and got off Matt who was still thrashing around.

Oli smirked as he got closer to Matt and the man backed up against the wall. "H-Hey Oli," Matt said shakily. Oli ignored him and grabbed his ankles, dragging him down to lay on his back. Matt yelped and looked for the closest thing to grab onto. Oli stood over matt and raised that bat over his head. "Oliver I'm sorry! It wasnt my fault it was Jordan's! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything" Matt begged. He brought his hands up to protect his head and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Look who's begging now" Vic snickered as he stroked Kellin's hair soothingly. Oli grinned a shark-like grin down at Matt and shook his head tauntingly. 

"Too late" Oli brought the bat down as hard as he could onto Matt's head which was covered by his hands. Matt screamed as Oli brought it down over his head repeatedly. Oli moved down to his torso and Matt brought his hands down to protect his stomach as Oli rained down hell onto him. Oliver smirked and quickly bashed Matt in the side of the head causing him to let out another scream as he fell on his side.

Josh crossed his arms and smirked as he watched his boyfriend. Oli bright the bat down as hard as he could into Matt's head and the man let out one last ear-piercing scream as Oli bashed his skull in on the kitchen floor. Oli laughed as he swung the bat into Matt's now lifeless body. His skull was bashed in and he was unrecognizable. 

Lee choked back a sob as he watched his best friend murder his friend in front of him. He screamed and scrambled up off the floor when he felt Matt's blood splatter on his face and clothes. Lee backed up against the wall and brought his knees up to his chest in fear. 

Oliver stopped once he was satisfied with the large amount of brains and bones he could see, he rested the bat on his shoulder and ran a hand through his hair. He turned around and grinned at everyone in the room.

"So, what did I miss?" Oliver chuckled to himself as Josh walked towards him and engulfed him in a hug. Josh lifted the younger boy up and spun him around. Oliver giggled and ignored everyone else in the room and half of them who were still crying. Josh kissed his cheek and Oli wrapped his legs around the other's torso. 

"I'm so proud of you" Josh grinned at Oli and Vic and Kellin came out from the under the table. Kellin ran to Oli and wrapped his arms around his torso and buried his face in his back.

"You saved us Oli" Kellin cried into Oli's back. Josh placed Oli back on the ground and the hazel-eyed boy wrapped his arms around Kellin. Vic walked up to Oli and wiped the tears from his eyes. Oli smiled at him and opened his arms. Vic smiled sadly and joined the hug. Josh chuckled and looked at his boyfriend in adoration. He is so kind.

Vic cried into Oli's shoulder and thanked him continuously. Oli kissed both of their foreheads and smiled at them. "It's ok now, they are all dead" Oli smirked and Vic nodded. Josh smiled warmingly at his boyfriend and held out a hand to Lee. 

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