You Are So Cute

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I wrote this at 3 am so I hope you enjoy ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote :)

Josh smirked to himself and Oli hung his head so his fluffy hair would hide his red face. Josh grabbed Oli's jaw and forced him to look up at him. "You're so cute like this you have absolutely no idea" Josh smirked and the younger boy's face got even redder.

"Hmmm, try and move," Josh said. Oli did as he was told and tried to struggle against the ropes but Josh had tied them very tight and so efficiently that Oli couldnt move his arms at all. Josh grinned and Oli gave him a small smile in return.

Josh let go of his jaw and pushed the boy back down onto the bed so he was lying on his back. Oli shifted uncomfortably as Josh kneeled down next to his legs. Oli's breathing hitched when Josh grabbed another coil of rope and grabbed the boy's thighs. Holy shit, more?

Josh tied the rope around Oli's thighs and pulled it tight as the boy whimpered. Josh looked up at Oli and raised his eyebrows. Oli nodded and Josh pulled the rope tighter. Oli bit his lip, drawing blood as he tried not to moan loudly at the feeling of rope pressing into his sensitive skin. 

Josh chuckled and continued the process down Oli's legs with new coils of rope. He tied his legs together tighter than before, on his thighs, above and below his knees, his shins and his ankles. Oli let out a loud moan as Josh pulled the rope tightly around his ankles and Josh chuckled at how sensitive his boyfriend was.

"You gotta be quiet Baby, you know what happened last time" Josh smirked at Oli and the boy bit his lip and nodded. "You don't want me to gag you do you?" Josh said seductively. Oli let out another involuntary moan at Josh's sentence and immediately shut his mouth and shook his head. "Right, that's it" Josh smirked and reached for the box.

Oli's eyes lit up and he turned his head away from Josh, he bit his lip again as Josh grabbed his jaw. He stared into Oli's eyes and shoved his tongue down his throat. He pulled back almost instantly and Oli whined. Oliver struggled against the ropes but couldnt move as usual. Josh held up two gags in his hand and Oli looked at him in confusion. He had never seen one of them before.

"This is a ball gag Princess" Josh started. Oli furrowed his eyes in confusion and yelped when Josh shoved it in his mouth. "It goes like this" Josh smirked as he buckled it around Oli's head tightly and smirked at the boy. Oli whimpered and moaned against the gag. He felt drool starting to drip down his chin and moaned harder when he struggled against the ropes.

Josh hummed in content and rolled Oli back onto his stomach. Oli buried his face into the sheets once more and closed his eyes. Fuck why does this feel so good? Oli bit into the gag and Josh grabbed his ankles. He lifted his legs up and grabbed the spare rope from the box. He tied Oli's shins to his thighs tightly and smirked when he heard a muffled moan in response.

Josh took the rope that was around hanging down from Oli's bound wrists and tied it to the rope around his ankles. He pulled it tightly, connecting his wrists to his ankles, and Oli whimpered in response. Josh smirked as he pushed Oli to lay on his side once he was done. Oliver yelped and stared up at Josh with his big hazel eyes full of innocence. Josh smirked and pushed Oli's hair out of his face.

"Hmmm, you look so fucking hot like that" Josh hummed as he looked at Oli with lust-filled eyes. "Try and move now," Josh said excitedly. Oli struggled as hard as he could but got absolutely no movement in response, he threw his head back and moaned loudly into the gag.

Josh clapped his hands together and put the box back into his drawers. He grabbed a fistful of Oli's hair and the younger boy whimpered against the gag. He yanked his head back and smirked at him.

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