Split Up

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Don't kill me for this plz-

Josh jolted awake to the sound of screaming coming from beside him. His eyes snapped to Oli thrashing around in bed screaming. Josh moved to try and wake him but Oli shot up and opened his eyes, tears were streaming down his cheeks and he pulled his knees up to his chest so he could protect himself from the terrors that haunted his dreams. Josh pulled Oli close to him and held him tightly.

"No no no no " Oli cried.

"It's ok Oli, I'm here. It was just a nightmare" Josh frowned and kissed the top of Oli's head. Oli was shivering and crying against Josh's chest.

"I-I'm sorry" Oli shakily apologized.

"It's fine, it's not your fault" Josh shook his head and took Oli's face in both of his hands. Oli looked up at him with sad eyes and hugged Josh back. Josh was shocked at the sudden sign of affection but he embraced it and hugged Oli back. Oliver had stopped shivering but the tears were still falling. Josh stroked Oli's hair as the hazel-eyed boy calmed down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Josh asked hesitantly. Oli shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes. Josh nodded and Oli removed himself from Josh's lap.

"Do you want to go down for something to eat, seeing as it is 10 am" Josh suggested, quickly changing the subject.

"Y-yeah, can I use the bathroom first," Oli asked.

"Yeah, you don't have to ask for permission for things like that" Josh gave Oli a small smile and Oli nodded in return. Oliver got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom. Josh watched him leave and then stood up to grab a shirt from his closet, He yawned and grabbed a simple black shirt and a grey beanie, seeing as his hair was a total mess. He pulled both items of clothing on and opened the window to let in some fresh air. Oli returned from the bathroom moments later.

"Put your shoes on, if you want to go for a walk later," Josh said, he needed some fresh air and a change of scenery so he assumed Oli must have needed the same. Oli nodded and pulled on his converse. Josh did the same and they both walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

They entered the kitchen to find Jaime at the stove cooking something and Vic making toast at the counter. Josh motioned for Oli to sit at the table, Oli sat at the same spot he sat at yesterday and watched Josh walk over to Jaime to ask about whatever he was making. 

Oli's attention was drawn to the voices in the hall, he watched in curiosity as Mike and Tony walked through the front door. What really caught his attention was that the door had been left wide open. No one had bothered to close it. Oli looked at the door and then to Josh, he swallowed the quilt as Josh walked to the table with two plates of toast. Josh placed a variety of spreads on the table as well and handed Oli a plate.

"I figured you might want some so I didn't bother asking" Josh sat down at the head of the table and dug in straight away. Oli kept his attention on the door, he didn't feel like eating but he did so Josh wouldn't get suspicious. The door was still wide open by the time they had finished eating. Oli had his plan already figured out, he was glad he gained Josh's trust early. If his plan worked then, amazing. And if it didn't, then Oli was absolutely and royally fucked.

Josh took their plates to the sink and placed things back in their place. The entire time he watched Josh, Oli felt guilty, he was second-guessing his plan. He could either stay with Josh and continue on with whatever was going on last night, or he could try escaping and possibly fail. Oli made his decision when Tony walked into the room with a crate. He placed it on the table and turned his attention to Josh.

"I'm going to need Jaime to deliver these to om&m later today," He said, he turned his back to Oli and the hazel-eyed boy took that opportunity to look into the crate. His eyes widened and he confirmed his decision when he saw multiple guns and magazines stacked on top of each other.

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