You've Got It All Wrong

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I was gonna write another fransykes after this one but I decided I wanna write a mat x oli one so I will be doing that instead heheheh

Trigger warning: Mentions of rape :/

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :)

Oli gulped before making his way down the stairs and into the basement. Step after step Oli felt himself growing more anxious, he didn't know what was down there but he hoped it was the girls and he hoped they were safe, or at least breathing.

Oli's eyes widened when he stepped off the stairs and looked around the room. He didn't expect it to be this bad. The room was clearly moldy and water was dripping from the ceiling, the floor was more than dirty and cracks lined the walls in places that looked dangerous. 

Oliver's eyes finally landed on the girls huddled together in the corner of the room. They looked terrified. Oli felt so bad for them, he immediately started walking towards them but stopped when they flinched away. He heard Josh sigh and place a hand on his shoulder.

"P-Please don't h-hurt us, "One of the girls said, she had long brown hair and had her arms around the youngest looking girl. The girl in her arms already had tears streaming down her cheeks and was looking up at Josh and Oli in utter fear.

"We aren't here to hurt you," Josh said calmly. "We are here to get you out" He added softly, causing the youngest's eyes to light up. They were desperate. Josh slowly walked towards them with Oli following close behind. Once they were in front of them Josh crouched down and looked at them sadly.

"Y-You're lying," One of the girls said shakily, Josh and Oli's arrival was too good to be true. Josh simply shook his head and took off his jacket, Oli did the same with his flannel and passed it to Josh.

"T-Then why a-are you c-covered in b-blood," The oldest-looking girl said. Oli chuckled and put his hands on his hips.

"Funny story actually, we just finished killing your rapist," Oli said, proud of what he had done. One of the girls burst out crying and immediately threw herself at Oli. The hazel-eyed boy wrapped his arms around her and frowned when there wasnt much to wrap his arms around, he could clearly see and feel the girls hip bones and ribs.

"T-Thank you s-so much!" She sobbed into Oli's shirt and Oli rubbed her back soothingly. Josh handed his jacket to Oli who had stood up with the girl in his arms and placed her down to she could stand up on shaky legs. He wrapped the jacket around her and pet her on the head.

"It's ok now, he is gone and we are going to take you home" Oli smiled softly at the girl and took off his shirt so he could hand it to Josh. 

"I know you may not trust us but it's better than staying here," Josh said truthfully as he helped one of the girls up and handed the flannel to her, she helped up the younger and wrapped the flannel around both of them. 

"Are any of you hurt?" Josh asked, they all nodded and Josh sighed. He couldnt even begin to imagine what they had been through. The blue-eyed man took off his shirt and handed it to one of the other girls who was still sat on the floor. He handed Oli's shirt to the last girl and helped them both up.

Josh helped the last girl up and gasped when she fell back down, he crouched down next to her and helped her put on the shirt. After she was done Josh picked her up and walked to the stairs.

"If anyone else needs to be carried wait here and we will come and get you, if not then follow me," Josh said softly, he felt like if he shouted or even raised his voice ever so slightly they would shatter into a million pieces right before his eyes. They were so fragile.

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