Take Care

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Trigger warning: Mentions of rape

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The cop lowered his gun but kept his finger on the safety just in case, he motioned for the rest of the officers to go to the girls. "I'm going to believe you weren't the one who took them, but I do need you to come in for a few questions," He said.

Josh nodded understandingly and lowered his hands as the cop put away his gun. The girl by Josh's side buried her face into his side and the blue-eyed man put an arm around her comfortingly. The rest of the girls were already going with the police officers for questioning and to get them cleaned up after saying thank you a million more times to Josh.

"You have to go with the nice men now, they won't hurt you I promise" Josh knelt down so he could be face to face with the girl, and only then did he realize how young she actually was. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and threw her arms around Josh.

"T-Thank you thank you thank you," She said into his shoulder. Josh hugged her back and lifted her up so he could take her to where the others were. 

He felt so bad that a girl that young had to go through things like that and he was more than glad they were safe now. He was glad Oli had dragged him out of the house when he did.

Josh followed the police officer into another room and sat the girl down on one of the chairs next to the tallest girl. They thanked him again and took there turns in hugging him goodbye. Josh was then led out of the room and into an interrogation room. He sat down opposite the officer who had pulled the gun on him and crossed his arms casually.

"So I would like to start with how you found the girls," The officer said. Josh nodded and cleared his throat, he couldnt say that he and his missing boyfriend had found the girl's rapist at a plant nursery and taken him home to kill him then found the girls off a GPS in the car they broke into. Because everything in that is illegal and Josh would 100% go to jail. 

He already had warnings from the police about multiple things and he was sure he wouldn't be able to get out of this one if he let things slip. Josh had police friends that covered up gang business for him but they worked in a bigger town further away so he couldnt have gone to them anyways. He just had to make up a good enough lie.

"Well I'm an explorer and I like to explore abandoned places, I had just come back from exploring a bigger building when I found a run-down looking house, no cars were there and there was no fence so I said fuck it and went in" Josh started, he didn't know where he got that idea from but hopefully it worked coz its the best he could do on the spot.

"I went inside and the place looked like it was about to fall apart, no one was inside so I assumed I could look around, I found this closet with a bunch of empty boxes in it and found a hatch to the basement underneath" Josh went on, "I thought it was weird so I decide to check it out and that's when I found them," Josh said casually like he never killed anyone ever.

The police officer simply nodded and wrote things down on the clipboard he was holding. He turned around to the glass behind him and nodded. There was obviously someone behind it.

"And do you know what happened to them or where their attacker is?" The cop asked in a monotone voice. Josh thought about it and shrugged.

"They have clearly been raped and abused, no doubt about it but I didn't see anyone when I went in so I assume their attacker left or went out" Josh shrugged again and the cop nodded before writing it down. 

"Ok, and how do we know it wasnt you?" The cop asked skeptically. Josh chuckled and ran a hand down his face, he was tired of cops.

"I already told you, and I would never do such a thing like that," Josh said emotionlessly, "And even if I did, why would I return them and why would they be thanking me for saving them," Josh said smugly. The cop raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

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