She Is Nice

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Oli nearly jumped up and down at the sight of the plants as he and Josh walked hand in hand into the nursery. Josh smiled at Oli's excitement and grabbed a cart from the front of one of the aisles.

Oli walked along next to him as they went to the inside area of the nursery. The nursery had an outdoor area when they first walked into the gates and an indoor area at the back. There weren't many people considering it was a Tuesday and people would be at work. But there were a few people scattered around the aisles.

No one had noticed them or were any paying attention to them so that made Josh relax a bit more about Oli being in public when he was still classified as a missing person. I wonder if the police have any leads yet? Probably not, they suck at their job and we haven't been caught or found yet. Idiots. Josh chuckled to himself and started down one of the aisles.

"Now, what are we looking for in particular?" Josh said as he looked around at the potted plants. Oli took another sip of his drink and thought about it.

"Hmmm," He looked around and tried to imagine what they would look like in their room. Oli was so happy he could call it "their room".

"How about this?" Oli pointed at a big plant with big leaves that looked like they had rips in them. Josh picked it up and put it in the cart.

"That is absolutely perfect actually," Josh smiled at Oliver and kissed his cheek. The boy blushed and huffed in satisfaction. Oli held onto the side of the cart like a child and Josh had his hand over Oli's.

They walked down the aisle and Josh stopped when they came to the succulents and the tall plants at the end.

"Ooh, these are cute," Josh picked up a few small succulents and a cactus and looked at Oli for approval. It was their room they were decorating after all. Oli nodded and took another large sip of his drink. Oli walked over to the larger plants and Josh followed him. The blue-eyed man let go of the cart so he could walk up behind Oli and place his hands on his hips.

"What do you think about these ones?" Josh asked innocently like he didn't have his hands on Oli's hips.

"Dragon trees are cool so yes" Oli smiled up at him and kissed his jaw. Josh looked up with a glare when he heard footsteps coming towards them but softened his face when he saw it was just one of the employees.

"I'm so sorry but you guys are so cute," She held her hands together in front of her and smiled at the couple. She wore the uniform or the nursery and her hair was in a messy bun, she had a soft smile on her face and a name tag on the pocket on her shirt which read Alissa.

Oli blushed and Josh kept his hands on the boy's hips. "Thank you" Josh chuckled and smiled at her warmly.

"Uh, is there anything I can do to help you guys?" She said, embarrassed that she had interrupted them. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and grinned at the two.

"Yeah actually," Josh said. He let Oli go so he could pick up the plant he thought was cool and walked towards the girl. "Have you guys got any fairy lights?" Josh asked. Alissa nodded and motioned for them to follow her once Oli had put the plant in the cart. 

Josh pushed the cart behind Alissa with Oli holding on at the side. "She is nice," Oli said softly. 

Josh nodded and kissed the boy on the top of the head. "Yeah,"

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