You Lied

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I'm thinking of starting another fransykes fanfic when this is done :)

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment :)

"Y-You lied" Dahvie choked out, he really thought there was a chance of escape. He really thought he could get out alive. But bad things happen to bad people.

"Yeah, I did," Josh said casually. He heard Oli walk up behind him and stand next to him. He could hear Oli's ragged breathing and could practically sense the rage radiating off him.

"But you see, I'm allowed to lie, I can do anything I want," Josh said as a matter of fact.

Dahvie let out another sob as he brought his knees up to his chest. "B-But you s-said there was an o-open door and if I f-found it I could go through," Dahvie said in between sobs.

"Yes I did, but I didn't say which door. The kitchen door is open" Josh pointed to the kitchen door even though Dahvie still couldn't see him. "You can go through that, nothing is stopping you" Josh smirked.

Dahvie sobbed harder as he realized there was truly no escaping, he had gotten himself into something he couldn't get out of. He had finally gotten what he deserved after years and years of ruining people's lives.

"I fucking deserve this, so just get it over with," Dahvie said shakily, he was honestly more than scared to die but he wanted to get it over with.

"Yeah, you do" Oli finally spoke and glared down at the man on the ground through the goggles that still allowed him to see when Dahvie couldn't.

Dahvie still couldn't see a thing but he knew where they were, he could see the faint outline of their bodies and could hear their breathing. His shoulder burned as blood ran down his back and onto the floor, he hissed at the pain from every movement and more tears fell down his cheeks. He deserved every bit of pain he was going through.

"I've had enough of you already," Oli growled. He wanted to end the man's life as soon as possible. He moved closer and watched as Dahvie flinched away when he heard movement. Oliver smirked when Dahvie let out another sob. "You are a sorry excuse for a human being, fucking disgusting piece of shit" Oli spat.

Dahvie hung his head, he knew it was true. It was all true.

"So what do you say we end this, Baby?" Josh smiled up at Oli and the hazel-eyed boy smirked and nodded. "Lights on or off?"

"On, I wanna see what he looks like when he dies" Oli smirked and Josh nodded, the blue-eyed man stood up and switched on the lights that had been hidden under a piece of duct tape so that if Dahvie found it he couldn't switch them on.

Once the lights were switched on, Dahvie hissed at the light and closed his eyes. He opened them again so he could let his eyes adjust to the harsh light and flinched away when he saw a knife pointed at his face. Oli and Josh had taken the goggles off and were staring down at Dahvie like he was prey, which he was.

"Hmm, you can go first Joshie" Oli smiled up at his boyfriend sweetly and Josh pecked his lips. 

"No, he is your catch so you go first" Josh replied, Oli placed a hand over his heart and took his new switchblade out of his pocket. Dahvie watched the two talk and took it as a chance to try and escape or at least stall his death while they were busy. 

He shot up and made a b-line for the other side of the house. Oli and Josh didn't move and kept talking but when Dahvie tried to dart past them, Oli stuck his foot out casually, causing Dahvie to fall face-first onto the floor.

"What are you doing down there?" Oli grinned a shark-like grin down at Dahvie and leaned down, he placed a hand on his hip and stuck his ass out. Josh smirked and slapped Oli's ass causing the boy to squeak and jokingly glare back at Josh. Oli tightened his grip around the bat he was still holding and lifted it above his head. 

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