A Sick Mother (OoO)

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Michael woke up and immediately regretted opening his eyes.

His throat was sore, his nose was running, and his stomach was queasy. He glanced at the clock in his cabin. The time read 9:30am, about an hour and a half after he usually woke up. The harsh sunlight coming through his window seemed to be too much for his eyes at that moment, so instead of getting out of bed like he should of, Michael just rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Hopefully nobody would bother him and he could just sleep off whatever bug he had caught.

Ritchie's POV

Ritchie was really worried for his best friend. Michael hadn't come to breakfast leaving Austin and Ritchie to eat without him. When the other campers had left Austin and him exchanged a worried glance.    

"Why didn't Mom come to breakfast? He's usually one of the first ones awake." Austin looked like he was about to explode or something if they couldn't find their friend.     

"He is probably still in his cabin, we could check there. We should also bring him some breakfast, he must be hungry by now." Ritchie went to grab some food for Michael, Austin following behind him.

Austin's POV

Austin didn't bother knocking on his Mom's door before opening it. Austin looked around the cabin before his eyes landed on a lump of blankets. "Mom? Are you ok?" Austin asked, worry clear in his eyes. The only response he got back was a groan. Austin walked over to the bed and carefully moved Michael so he could feel his forehead. 

"Mom, you're burning up!" Austin gently moved Michael's hair out of his face. "Dad, can you go get some medicine?" Ritchie immediately ran off to go find the medicine, leaving Michael's food on a nearby desk. Austin then turned his attention back to his sick parent, who he was helping sit up. "Do you think you can eat anything?"

Michael sighed, "I can try to eat a little bit of soup I guess..." Austin seemed satisfied with the answer he was given as he fed his mother some of the soup from the tray. When the soup was all gone and Austin set the bowl aside, Michael laid back down. Austin turned to leave before feeling a hand grip his sleeve. 

"Uhhh, Mom..?" Austin looked at Michael and immediately understood what he wanted. Austin lifted the covers and climbed into the bed, cuddling Michael to his chest. Both mother and son fell asleep within minutes, cuddling each other as they slept. When Ritchie walked back in with medicine, he chuckled at the adorable sight before setting the medicine down and closing the curtains. He then climbed into the bed and cuddled the two until his breathing evened out and he fell into a deep slumber as well.


Word Count: 467

Ok because this is the first ever official chapter I'm actually posting, I want some feedback from my readers. How did I do? Don't be rude of course, but please tell me if I need to fix anything ((besides my grammar, I know it's not great)) or any tips you may have for me! Leave any requests you may have also, I'd be happy to have something to write! KayBee out y'all, the cringe is finally ending.


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