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I'm sorry I haven't been updating very much lately, school is becoming more stressful and I gotta focus on me more than my followers and readers, ya know? If ya don't understand that just go and watch Selfishness vs Selflessness part 2 it has all the facts you'd need, and yes I am a sanders sides fan. My schedule for posting (that will never actually exist, schedules add extra stress I don't need) is basically just 'upload on the weekends,' and even that is difficult sometimes too cuz the only real free day I get is Saturday. I'm also trying to fix my sleeping habits, so there will be a lot less uploads in the middle of the night. Uploads will be slowed because of all of this. When summer break hits, I'll definitely be uploading a LOT more. Until then, please stay patient with me as I have a lot going on with school. Good news, my birthday did go well! The zoom meeting I hosted was long enough for me to mute my friends 32 different times, it was hilarious. Have an awesomely, spectacularly, dreamy, weird day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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