Sibling Bonding (OoOS2)

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*Here's a request I got from Ivythevenomsythe101! (It ain't gonna let me tag you sorry bout that). I'll get to all the other requests I got soon, today I'm feeling more like sibling stuff uwu*

Cal was walking around camp when he saw Magnus reading a book underneath a tree. He walked over to them and sat down. "Watcha reading?"

Magnus looked over at him. "It's this new book I got called 'Seeking Safety.' (I'm like three pages into book one right now.) It seemed interesting enough."

Cal smiled at them. "Well, why don't you socialize a bit? I haven't seen you interact willingly with many campers yet."

Magnus just placed a bookmark down and shut the book. "Socialization isn't my thing. You just happen to be one of the only people I can tolerate."

Cal giggled. "Well why don't we do something then? I can teach you to climb stuff like I do!"

Magnus was about to decline, because most dogs really don't belong in high places, before seeing how excited Cal seemed. They sighed. "Fine, fine. How do I do this whole 'climbing' business?"

Cal pulled them up and pointed into the branches. "I'll show you how! We should climb this tree, it seems sturdy enough!" Not waiting for a reply, Cal grabbed one of the lower branches and pulled himself up. Magnus hesitantly followed as Cal started to climb higher into the branches. They found they actually really enjoyed it.

For the rest of the day, Cal taught Magnus several tricks and tips he knew based on climbing. He even showed them his favorite hang out space, which happened to be the highest place possible to get to.

Cal sat next to Magnus, his legs dangling over the side of the statue. Magnus was not about to take that risk and sat cross-legged. Both were watching the sunset, amazed at its beauty.

Cal looked over at Magnus, his eyes full of excitement. "Isn't this amazing? The stars are also amazing to see from up here!" Magnus looked at Cal and smiled.

"Yeah, it is pretty awesome. Not as awesome as you for finding it though, brother."

Cal was shocked for a moment before turning back to the sunset. "Thanks, um..... sibling..?"

Magnus laughed at his confusion and the two stayed up there for half the night, watching the stars and joking around.
The next day
When Impu (I think I was spelling it wrong for a while? Idk correct me if I'm wrong.) woke up the next morning, he was concerned to see his sibling wasn't in their room. He walked into the main lounge area to see if anyone there knew where they were before stopping in his tracks and internally 'awwing' at the sight in front of him.

Magnus and Cal were cuddled together in a mountain of blankets. The TV had a bunch of movies next to it and there was popcorn there too. Mikeal sat on the couch reading. He glared at Impu as if to say, "Don't wake them up or your head is going to be fed to a monster." Impu waved at Mikeal before sitting on the couch as well, pulling out one of his books to read. He was happy his sibling had actually made friends.
Word Count: 548
Right so this was based off of something me and my best friend did. When she finished the first Percy Jackson book series we watched the movies together at her house. It was fun and when I saw this request I thought of that and my previous oneshots so I was like "FUSE THEM TOGETHER" and wala. This was created. I was honestly tempted to write it as a ship at one point not gonna lie XD. Have a splendidly magical day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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