Me- ACHOO- ow..? (FTO)

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"ACHOO!" (Have my terrible impression of a sneeze.) Lucas internally cursed fate for giving him his allergies as he sneezed for about the tenth time in five minutes. At least three of his guild mates were giving him concerned glances, but he just ignored them. Not his fault he was allergic to cats and Tapio happened to be one, but it certainly didn't help that he sat right next to the walking fluff ball this guild meeting. Lucas sneezed again, catching the attention of his guild leaders that he forgot to tell about his allergies. Great.

"Are you alright Lucas? That's the sixth time you've sneezed this meeting." Ritchie looked concerned, which was not what Lucas wanted right now.

"Yeah, it's just- ACHOO- just allergies." Brandon glanced at Tapio and a look of understanding crossed his face.

Ritchie didn't make this connection and just raised his eyebrow. "Allergies to what exactly?"

Lucas blushed, embarrassed, and looked anywhere but Tapio. "Cats..?" His voice cracked at the end of his answer.

Tapio just blinked slowly. "Wow, I see how it is."

Lucas immediately rushed to defend himself. "Hey, I can't exactly control my- ACHOO- allergies!"

In the end, Tapio ended Lucas's suffering by switching tables. As everyone went back to the meeting, Lucas sent a thankful glance at Tapio. The only response he got from the feline was a wink.

Word Count: 228
I just randomly though earlier, "hey, if Tapio's a cat, what if someone in the guild was allergic to cats?" And boom. This was born. Before you yell at me, I'm still procrastinating on the mom off don't yell at me. Have a splendid day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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