Nightmare? Idk it's a chapter (OoOS2)

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*This lovely request was from @MitsukiKami it just won't let me tag them, won't let me follow them so I can tag them either which sucks. Well here the request is anyways, enjoy! This contains spoilers by the way. Also I have no idea what this is, it's basically just Cal doing random things I think of. Yeah.
Also is it just me or do all of Lucas's characters give off mom vibes. Just thought I would share.*

Cal opened his eyes with a gasp.

Ever since the incident with Magnus, he had horrible nightmares. After Xylo, Inpu, and Magnus reverses time to revive everyone again Cal could still remember. He guesses it's due to his time powers.

This nightmare had been pretty bad. Cal could feel the tears streaming down his face. He couldn't get the horrifying images out of his head, all of his friends and family dead on the floor. Cal glanced at the time. It was 3:30 in the morning. He let out a breath and stood up from his bed, knowing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. Cal quickly changed from his pajamas into his normal every day clothes. He quietly left the Egyptian side, walking aimlessly around camp.

Eventually he came across the training area. Cal shrugged and went to grab some practice throwing knives, deciding to train a little bit before anyone else woke up. He stood a little bit away from a target, quietly figuring out how to throw the knives in his hands. Each throw got a little closer to the center.

It was about 4:10 when Cal stopped training. He never hit the center of the target, but he had gotten close. He walked forwards and took the knives out of the target, putting them back where he got them. He walked over to a nearby tree, climbing onto the tall branches. He got to the top and looked down at camp. Smiling, Cal sat there until about 5:45.

People were starting to wake up now. Cal climbed down the tree and went to grab some breakfast, smiling and waving to the few people awake. The nightmare was totally gone from his mind.
Word Count: 368
I have no idea what this was, I just wanted to write something. Also I haven't finished the QnA yet so if y'all still have questions feel free to leave them in the comments. Also it's getting slightly closer to Halloween and I already have my Halloween Minecraft skin heck yes.

Have a splendidly, amazingly, spooktacularly awesome day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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