Cal is Homesick Feauturing: Horror Movies + Cuddles(OoOS2)

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Cal sat there terrified in the main room of the Egyptian demigod's home. Tonight they were having a movie night to educate Riccaro and Solis on movies and had already gotten through almost everybody's choices. Mikeal had chosen Them Sound of Music' (it's a good movie okay), Inpu has chosen 'Beauty and the Beast,' Cal had chosen 'Tomb Raider,' and Magnus had chosen a horror movie called 'Pennywise.' (I absolutely hate horror stuff so I have never seen this movie I chose it off of a list on google bear with me here.) Magnus explained to Riccaro and Solis how none of these events were real or possible, even for demigods, so they had nothing to worry about. Cal though, he was deathly afraid of horror movies. Anything remotely horror like scared him half to death, but he was to shy to ask them to change the movie.

Suddenly, there was a loud jump scare. Cal squeaked and buried his face in his knees, shaking slightly. Nobody seemed to notice this except for Magnus, everyone else too absorbed in the movie. How were none of them scared?!

Magnus silently reached over and hugged the scared demigod. Cal quietly hummed and snuggled into Magnus's chest, seemingly very tired. Cal was obviously happy to have gotten a hug, but never actually fell asleep. Inpu glanced at his twin, smiling as he saw Cal cuddling them.

When the movie was over the demigods just sat there and quietly socialized with each other. Everybody was tired because it was 1am, but none of them felt like walking to their rooms. Solis had fallen asleep very quickly after the movie, surprising none. What was surprising to them was that Solis had stayed awake this long.  Riccaro had also fallen asleep and was cuddling Solis on the blanket laid out on the floor.

Cal eventually had to move, so he reluctantly shifted off of Magnus and sat normally on the couch to socialize. Everyone who was awake was worried when they saw how tired he looked and how awake he sounded. Cal noticed their strange looks but brushed them off.

Magnus had seen how much Cal liked cuddles, so they eventually decided that everyone needed to sleep and that if they were going to sleep it would be cuddling Cal. Magnus got off the couch and lifted Cal into their arms, cradling him like a baby. Cal yelped in shock as he was picked up, blushing a little from embarrassment as Magnus carefully sat down next to Solis and Riccaro, placing Cal in their lap in the process. Cal could escape the hug if he tried, but he was honestly comfortable and sleepy from the cuddles he was getting. He yawned and snuggled back into Magnus, slowly drifting off. He smiled as Mikeal and Inpu came to join them, finally falling asleep surrounded by his friends.

Cal woke up around two hours later at 3am, still very tired. He shut his eyes and tried to sleep, but failed miserably as his insomnia kicked in. Well, sleep was nice when it lasted. He sighed and carefully wiggled out of Magnus's embrace, being quiet as to not wake anyone else up. Once he was free, he quickly wrote a note just in case anyone else woke up and saw he was missing before he left to go on a walk around camp.

Cal breathed in the fresh night air. It was a little cold for him, so he decided to go climb something. He carefully made his way over to one of the huge statues at the camp's entrance and started to climb.

Getting to the top was easy for him, having climbed many buildings in the city he called home. Laying on his back and staring up at the stars, he suddenly felt homesick. At home stars were a rare sight, but the view of the city from the top of the tall apartment complex he lived in was beautiful enough to make up for that. There was the constant noise of cars and people moving around the streets. Sure it was loud, but Cal loved it all the same. Now there was no chance he would be able to go back to that, he couldn't risk his roommate being attacked by a monster.

The camp felt small, dark, and quiet. It was a big change from what he had grown up with all his life. Cal sat there staring at the stars, eventually watching the sunrise as well from on top of the statue. He didn't make any moves to climb down, wanting to enjoy his view a little longer. Besides, there were no rules against climbing the statues and they were still inside camp.


Magnus walked around camp trying to find their friend. He had skipped breakfast and they wanted to make sure he was eating properly. Magnus stopped at the fountain by the entrance of camp, taking a small break. They just so happened to look up and see Cal sitting in one of the statues. Saying they were impressed would be an understatement.

"Hey Cal! Get down here, you need to eat breakfast at some point!" Magnus cupped their hands around their mouth and shouted up to their friend. A moment later they could see Cal climbing down the side of the statue, confident in his climbing skills.

"Thanks for reminding me Magnus, lets go to the dining hall then." The two walked to the dining pavilion, laughing and talking the entire way.

Cal glanced quickly at the sky with an unreadable expression. Maybe this camp wouldn't be so bad after all.
Word Count: 938
So I realized I haven't updated in a while and I felt like writing today so this was born. I'm honestly proud of it even if it is a little all over the place and the title is not cooperating with me. Imma write more seeing as school is close to being finished, so I am not going to stop writing serious stuff! Let's be honest though, my headcannons are enjoyable uwu
Have a splendidly, amazingly, fantastically, beautifully inspirational day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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