Headcannons while I write/post pride stuff

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My next Pride Month oneshot will come out soon but like have some headcannons in the meantime. (Also I've been working on my puns in my spare time because why not)

-Cal totally knows Spanish and when he starts speaking it you know you're in danger.

-Cal is most definitely transgender, I headcannon him as ftm. (May or may not be a spoiler for something, I think y'all can easily figure out what I mean)

-Cal is one of the only people Magnus can talk to without being grumpy all the time. Idk I see Magnus as a more grouchy character, ya know?

-Did I say just Cal earlier? Now the Spanish thing will apply to FTO Lucas as well because like I can see it.

-Lucas and Brandon will forever be tied for the position of,"Scariest when angry or upset in Divinus Magia." I say this mostly because we haven't actually seen Lucas like full on angry, just frustrated at people around him.

-Ritchie and Bri having Ice Cream in Sunday's and just sharing gossip.

-Ritchie is secretly a vsco girl.

-My first ever ship in this series was David x Boat but now I see them as brothers past me was stupid or what.

-Say anything rude towards his family and/or friends and Jakey will personally make sure you wake up in heCK the next day. He acts shy and stuff but is not afraid to end you.

-Jakey being Emo is now one of my favorite headcannons but like for me he's not very secretive about it. Like, you walk into his house and you can just tell.

-Mitch is in love with spaghetti. Don't ask me how this came to be, just accept it. (To be honest I have no idea how this happened either it just exists XD)

Have a lovely, pride-filled day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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