My Mind Is Blown

611 17 13

I know I posted a chapter literally three minutes ago but like-

Has anyone else noticed that this community on Wattpad has a lot of non-binary people in it? Or people that don't use just he/him or she/her pronouns? People like me actually? Just me?

I've seen a lot of writer's main pages and most of them have their genders posted too, and like almost all of the people I've seen have used they/them pronouns or something like that.

Maybe that's why the fandom is so gay-

I seriously love this fandom, it's a lot more supportive than the fandoms I've been part of in the past, and nobody judges anyone for anything! I've gotten zero hate comments and there have been no ship wars or anything, just a bunch of people in the fandom being nice to each other and that's what I love about it!

Right my miniature "talk show" is done! Have a splendidly spectacular day/night wherever y'all are! (Yes that sentence is going to get more and more ridiculous)
KayBee out!

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