Angy (SDS)

952 32 4

David, Brandon, and Ritchie silently stared at the burning village in front of them. In all fairness, Ritchie HAD told that girl to back off because he was not interested in females around 500 times during their whole week long stay.

Ritchie had not meant to overreact like that, but oh well. He doesn't think anybody died. He hopes. At least the village had no allies and was in no kingdoms.

The silence was deafening, only the sound of burning flames could be heard.

"On a scale from one to ten, how angry do you think Cap will be at Ritchie when he learns about this."

"David, you do realize that such a tiny scale could never accurately describe Cap's anger, right? Ritchie's good as dead."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. I don't think he'd kill me, but I do think I won't be able to move for a very long time."

"You thought correctly!" Ritchie sweat dropped and turned around only to be met by a very angry Micheal. Ritchie had a broken leg, arm, and wrist afterwards.

Man, Uno can get violent sometimes. Ritchie was no longer questioning Cap's choice in punishments.

Word Count: 195
Hope y'all liked this fun little idea I had while scrolling through a bunch of writing prompts! Also I'm moving my random little thoughts to a different book from now on so if y'all want those still don't worry they're just not in this book. I had too many authors notes. Also trust me, Uno can get really unfriendly very quickly. Have an awesome day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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