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So I just realized that Wattpad isn't letting me post all the previous chapters I've written. Idk why but I'm in the middle of fixing it so don't worry much, all of them should be out tomorrow. If this posts, have some headcannons!
Slight spoilers ahead too.

-Cal is the local mom of camp, he even confirms this basically in the latest episode.

-Kay is slightly jealous of Cal because he's more of a mom to Riccaro than she is. I mean how Riccaro talks to Cal and confides in him more than he does with Kaykrae.

-I left a comment on Lucas's recent video about how Cal was literally thrown into the deep end as soon as he got to camp, kinda like Percy Jackson actually. Basically I think that he sometimes has slight panic attacks because he's just so overwhelmed with all of this new information and him not actually knowing his parent yet makes it worse.

-Cal has anxiety, nobody can tell me otherwise. He's also socially awkward, you don't need me to tell you that either. All I gotta say is, same bro. Except I act more confident on the outside and internally freak out on the inside.

-All of these are about Cal but whatever. Anyways, Cal is definitely the type of person that gets excited easily but it's hard to tell. He'll be super excited internally but will act completely normal.

Have a swell day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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