A Nightmare (FTO S5)

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Kit sat at the end of the docks, her burning home behind her. It was all falling apart and she couldn't even begin to accept the truth.

She refused to accept any of if, she thought all of it was a crazy dream.

Tapio was still alive, he would walk over and sit next to her like he normally would and keep her company. When it gets to cold outside he would drag her back home and help make dinner with her. He would be at the guild meetings, help keep everyone's spirits up.

But he wasn't.

The guild's island would still be fine. Her house would be there for her to relax in after a long day of quests. David's flower garden would be there for everyone to admire. The bar would still be there for guild meetings and happy times. Everything would be fine.

But it wasn't.

Brandon would still be here. He never would have left them alone, it was all just a nightmare. The grand magic games were all just one big, useless nightmare and she would wake up to Brandon scolding her for sleeping in and Bjorn drinking his eyes out and somehow managing to stay sober. She would wake up to Ritchie yelling at David to put his clothes back on, to Lucas trying to read his book in peace, to Mario and Tapio playfully fighting, to Inmo causing property damage.

But she couldn't wake up.

Word Count: 242
Have some angst before I gotta go be productive. I have no clue where this came from but enjoy it. Also I have like seven stories in my drafts that are like half finished and I decide to write this that's just how my writing works apparently.

Have the absolute best day/night you can wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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