Another Sick Boi (OriginZ)

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Disclaimer: This was inspired by a story called Miserable Migraines by ShiboNoAsashin   (Just in case it doesn't let me tag them again this is here uwu) go read it it's a great story. Plus sick characters are just fun to write, especially with ships like these. ON WITH MY CHAPTER NOW OwO

Leo/Brandon's POV

Lucas hadn't woken up yet, which worried Leo. Usually, Lucas woke up first to cook breakfast or sharpen his k-nifes, (I still love that reference) but he was still sleeping when Leo woke up. Normally Leo was the last one up, which worried him even more. He climbed back up to where the trio usually slept, earning him a questioning look from David. As soon as Leo got to Lucas's side, he noticed how pale the younger actually was. Worried, Leo put his hand on Lucas's forehead only to pull it away again once his hand touched Lucas's skin. No, wonder he wasn't up yet, the idiot went and got himself sick. 

"Lucas, wake up please." Leo gently brushed his boyfriend's hair out of his face as Lucas blinked up at him. "How are you feeling?"

Lucas looked as though he regretted waking up. "I'm feeling....fine.." Leo frowned at the obvious lie.

"Yeah, I'm not believing that Mr. I Have A Fever But I Feel Totally Fine. Judging by how high your temperature is I'd say you have been sick for at least a day. Why don't you want me knowing this exactly?" Lucas just groaned and closed his eyes again. Leo sighed, knowing his stubborn boyfriend wouldn't give him an answer anytime soon. "Hey David," Leo called down,"could you bring up some soup and medicine for Lucas please? He has a pretty high fever."

"Got it!" was the only response Leo got. He shook his head before turning back to his sick boyfriend. He slid up against the wall and put Lucas's head in his lap, combing his fingers through Lucas's hair. Lucas seemed happy as he cuddled into Leo, bringing a smile to Leo's face. 

"As adorable as this is, I have the food and medicine for him." Leo looked up to see David standing in front of them, a bowl of soup and some medicine in his hand. "Have him sit up, I can feed him. I don't think he's going to eat this voluntarily." Leo carefully sat Lucas up against him, careful not to hurt the smaller male as he did so.

"Hey Lukie, can you eat some of the soup David brought up here for me? Please?" Lucas groaned at Leo's words, having opened his eyes after hearing his nickname. David brought a spoonful of soup to Lucas's mouth, pouting slightly before eating it. This pattern continued until there was only about half of the soup left. David and Leo struggled to get their boyfriend to take the medicine, but they managed. 

Both of them knew Lucas was VERY cuddly when sick or extremely tired, so Leo stayed with Lucas while David went downstairs to get dinner for the two. Lucas had ended up sleeping until about two hours before all of them usually had dinner together. David came back upstairs with two bowls of soup (apparently he has some impressive ladder climbing skills) and walked back to his boyfriends. Leo and David ate and talked to each other while Lucas was lulled to sleep by their quiet whispering.

Lucas's POV

Lucas woke up the next day feeling a lot better than he had the past three days. He opened his eyes to see David hugging him with one arm, holding himself upright with the other. Leo had Lucas's head in his lap again, one hand running through Lucas's hair while the other was on top of the hand David had on Lucas's back. He was softly talking with David about something, so Lucas closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He was curious, ok? 

"I'm fairly sure he's been hiding his illness from us for at least a day now. I know he told us he didn't like people seeing him in a weakened state like that when we first started dating, but it's not helping him at all. What do you think we should do?" Leo's voice was filled with worry. 

"What we can. If Lucas isn't going to tell us these things, then we just have to spot them ourselves. Like heCk I'm letting him endanger himself like that again. Who knows what that sickness could have evolved into?" Lucas smiled slightly at their worry, happy that they cared for him enough to find ways around his insecurities like that. The last thing he thought before he fell asleep listening to them talk was, 'Man, I really love my boyfriends.'


Word Count: 733

I was rereading Miserable Migraines for about the millionth time because the story is amazing and I was like, "hey, I could make a good story out of this idea! Let's do it!" So here we are. honestly I've been on a roll lately, my AO3 account kinda just died after a while while this one is going great and I'm actually enjoying writing stories! It may have been the fandoms I was in as well, but oh well. Love y'all and I really appreciate the support!

KayBee out!

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