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*Before this chapter starts, yes I will now write stuff for other series with Origins crew members. Continue reading the story now.*

"Micheal I swear I am going to roast you alive if you don't get off of the ceiling fan." Ritchie glared at the small cat that was sat upon the blades of the fan. Why was Micheal on the fan? Austin had made the mistake of giving him sugar, and Micheal was having a sugar rush. Mario was currently with Austin and Brandon on a mission, leaving Ritchie alone to deal with a hyper Micheal.

"Make me!" Ritchie honestly had enough of his friend's antics and he simply reached over and turned the fan on. Micheal, most likely to spite Ritchie, turned into some type of monkey(?) and held onto the fan as it spun.

Ritchie just shrugged to his friends as they walked in the room to see Micheal screeching on a ceiling fan.

Word Count: 135
I just wanted to write something. ShR stands for Superhero remnants, that's what I'm calling season 2. Have an amazing day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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