Le Tagged Again Uwu

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So I was tagged by the wonderful CatKat_Derp

So here are 13 facts about myself I guess uwu

1. The words y'all, profreshional, and hicedyups have become apart of my vocabulary (don't question those last two)

2. I am the eldest sibling

3. My favorite starburst isn't the pink one but actually the red one

4. I absolutely CANNOT live without music whether it's me playing or not, that's how important it is to me

5. I'm pretty sure I have insomnia

6. Sometimes I struggle with self-doubt but I have my best friends to help me out

7. I want to dye my hair a combination of teal and bright pink again (I've done it before)

8.  Watercolor is not something I'm good at, I can tell you that for sure

9. I actually have some Polish blood even though I'm not Polish

10. I want to learn Spanish, French, and ASL

11. Give me a chance and I will sleep in till 6pm, I've done that before

12. I have an emotional support stuffed dinosaur that I can't sleep without (His name is Baby Yoda Vibe Checked the Dinosaur)

13. I got married to my friend on a Minecraft server called 'Skycade' a while ago and we're still married

Imma tag like three people I'm tired okay (rip the people that I tag oop)


Y'all don't have to do it, you're just the first people on the list I saw -^-

Have an amazingly spectacular day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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