Beep Boop cannot be said in an angry tone change my mind

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So while I figure out where the chapter I had saved on google docs went y'all get this. Keep in mind I thought of all of this at like 3am.

So like why do socks exist.
Shoe companies could easily line the inside of their shoes with the same material used to make socks. Besides knee high socks, thigh high socks, etc. they serve really no purpose. Nobody really sees them and they're there to keep blisters from happening so like if a shoe company lined their shoes with socks then socks would no longer need to exists except for the purpose of fashion. Idk if this has already been done but like it's just a thought. I know nothing about shoe making.

...what did humans think before language was even invented?
This question bugs me so much and I have no idea why. Like I'll just be walking down the street and I'll randomly think this and I still have no answers. It happens so often and I don't know why. Even animals think so what did humans do.
.........what do animals actually think about? How do they even think? I'm creating more questions for myself than answers and google is not helping me.

Okay so last night I had a dream where there were these robots and I was fighting alongside my OCs to destroy some evil person and for some reason we all just kinda stopped at an animal shelter? Then I adopted two kittens named Alec (I think) and I can't remember the other one's name. Alec was super grumpy while the other one looked like my cat and that was about it. The rest of the dream is me playing with the cats.

You ever realize how COOL boxes are?
We just create these cubes to carry our stuff in and like boxes are so important in day to day life to? I'm starting box appreciation day every August 3rd you must appreciate your boxes.

The content I create is strange.
I have never met or heard of anyone who does anything similar to me. The universe I am creating is so different and unique to anything I've seen on the internet and irl and I cannot wait until y'all get to see it. My stories are always so crazy and different from what anyone else would ever think of (that I know) and I'm super proud of that. My imagination is wild and I'm extremely proud of it. I think about that a lot actually, means I'm more unique and I like that.

Nose piercings and dyed hair look super cool.
One day I plan on getting a couple more ear piercings and a nose piercing. I also want to redye my hair and possibly even get a lip piercing. Piercings are amazing and look great so I want more even though they are a pain to take care of sometimes.

I feel I'm part of the minority that thinks they would look good with glasses and braces.
Braces and glasses are both adorable and honestly I think I would look great with them. Before I got my glasses I had very little self confidence but after I got them I became the most self confident person I know. I wouldn't mind having braces. I meant the look part, I don't want them because they're a pain to take care of. I know this because multiple of my irl friends have braces.

Okay this is just me ranting about how I want a relationship but I'm lonely as **** and I really want a girlfriend.
Everyone else has their relationships and honestly I'm jealous. I want to find that person that makes me super happy. I think dating is interesting but while my friends have all had someone take interest in them I haven't had that. Either nobody likes me much (outside my friends) or I'm just oblivious to other people's feelings towards me. I think it's probably both because nobody likes me much irl besides my friends/family (mom, dad, and sister). At the same time I'm thinking my friend is sad while they're just laughing about a meme online with the most cheery attitude so I suck at feelings.

I'm the worst at 'reading the atmosphere.'
Everyone will be sad because of something happening and I'll be like "So who wants to look at my cat pictures" then everyone glares at me and I realize we're supposed to be sad. This happens often and I try to get better at it but oh well guess I won't and that's fine.

Wow this chapter turned out to be a long 776 word thing of me complaining about stuff sorry. If any of y'all agree with any of my statements I immediately want to be friends cause that's cool.

Have a snazzy dazzling day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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