This chapter will not be serious at all (FTO)

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Lucas was talking to his guild mates in Divinus Magic's guild hall when the door was broken down. Everybody looked towards the door to see Grimshade's guild leader, Mama Micheal. Ritchie and Brandon glanced at Micheal, then at Lucas, and then towards each other. Lucas could have sworn he heard the words, "This will be interesting."
Micheal pointed just scythe at Lucas. "I CHALLENGE THEE TO A MOM-OFF!" Everyone in Divinus Magia looked at Lucas to see what he would do.
Lucas stood up calmly and walked over to Micheal. "I accept your challenge." They then shook hands and left to go prepare for their fight.
Nobody in Divinus Magia had expected that, and they all wore matching expressions of 'what the actual heck just happened.'
Word Count: 127
So... yeah. If y'all want a part 2 to this then imma need ideas. I have no idea what to do for this mom-off and I came up with this idea at 11pm so I was tired. I can't say I hate it tho, this is probably one of the best things I've done in a while to be honest XD. Have a splendid day/night wherever you are.
KayBee out!

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