Silver and Joanna Break Things (FTO)

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Silver glared at the mission board like it had just stabbed him. There weren't many missions to do, and the ones that were there required two people. 

"Oh, need someone to travel with Silvie?" Silver turned around to see Joanna, who was also looking at the mission board. 

"Yes actually, seeing as we are the only two members of the Wandering Coins currently. Since you have moved up to A rank surprisingly quickly, though you might not get S class for a while yet, I am considering taking you on an S class mission sometime soon. Guild leader's missions are just for us, so no luck for you there." Silver ignored the nickname, having heard it over a thousand times at this point since Joanna joined the guild a month ago. She looked deep in thought for a moment before reaching forward and grabbing one of the A rank missions.

"How about this one? It says here that there is a bank downtown scamming people. The bank is being shut down, but they haven't been able to retrieve the money stolen from people so they need our help. Seems easy enough." Silver nodded and both members headed out on the quest.

-Time skip to after they got back from the quest (I'll add what happened in a separate chapter maybe --^o)-

Both friends sat down in the guild hall, breathing heavily. "That was NOT easy in the slightest. I take back what I said earlier." Joanna caught her breath before standing up and putting her hands on her hips. "I can't imagine what quests for guild leaders are even like after that!"

Silver laughed before mimicking Joanna's actions. "Either way, that was enjoyable. We even got paid like double what the actual pay was so that's a bonus." Silver made a dramatic gesture at the end of his sentence, accidentally throwing the mug he was holding at the quest board. The two friends and guild mates glanced at each other before bursting out into laughter. They quickly stopped laughing when the quest board fell over with a loud THUNK.


Word Count: 322

Right I just wanted to write something and I love Joanna so I thought "why not give it a try?" and forced myself to write this. It was honestly more enjoyable than expected, so don't criticize me for forcing myself to do something I originally didn't want to do. Also online school is starting soon so I may or may not write less.


Stay safe y'all, KayBee out!

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