Day Six: Music (OoOS2)

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*I have a headcannon that Cal is like super good at singing don't judge me.
Also the animation above was not mine it was in fact the first video I saw and I absolutely love it so here we go.
I also do not own the song at all.*

It was time for the trial of Apollo to begin. This year though, the trial of Apollo was different. This year the trial was singing. Each person would have to sing a song relating to something in their life. It also happened to be June 6th. Cal was excited to sing his song.

It was well known throughout the camp that 'Mama Cal' is transgender and bisexual, but everyone was so caught up in trial preparations they completely forgot about Pride Month. This was going to be an adventure, that's for sure.

Cal stepped up on stage with a huge smile on his face and began to sing.

"If you're gay then you're gay, don't pretend that you're straight." Absolutely nobody expected Cal to be able to sing well, and nobody expected the song either, so mostly everyone was shocked. Riccaro and Solis had heard him sing when they had troubles sleeping though, so they were cheering him on quietly.

"You can be who you are any day of the week.
You are unlike the others, so strong and unique, we're all with you." More and more people on the crowd started smiling.

"If you're straight well that's great, you can help procreate and make gay little babies for the whole human race!" That line earned a few giggles.

Cal smirked and continued singing. "Make a world we can live in where the one who you love's not an issue. 'Cause we're all somewhere in the middle," several people looked at their partners, "we're all just looking for love to change the world."

"What if the world stops spinning tomorrow? We can't keep running away from who we are." Several people in the crowd seemed absorbed by these words, almost as if they understood completely.

"If you're gay then you're gay, if you're straight well that's great!"

"If you fall in between that's the best way to be. You've got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you." The bisexual, pansexual, and other members this line refers to giggled, some even receiving or giving a small kiss to their partner.

"'Cause we're all somewhere in the middle, we're all just looking for love to change the world."

"What if the world stops spinning tomorrow?"

"We can't keep running away from who we are."

"And we're all here in it together, we're one step closer to breaking down the walls." At this point the entire camp was smiling.

"Everyone is gay!" Cal then dramatically bowed as there were several claps and exited the stage. That was an interesting way to start the trial.

Word Count: 485
I absolutely love this song and it's amazing. Also Cal songs to Solis and Riccaro to help them sleep sometimes and you cannot change my mind at all. Welp, time to finish this last chapter I gotta do!
KayBee out!

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