Sad Cal (OoOS2)

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*This contains spoilers to the POVs of Inpu and Cal sine I'm pretty sure only Xylo has got this far. You be warned.*

As soon as Cal got to his room he started to sob.

So much had happened. He killed Inmo. He was going to fight Set. It was all so overwhelming and he just needed to cry, he couldn't keep the tears away much longer.

Cal slid down the wall next to his bed, hugging his knees to his chest and burying his face in them. He was so upset he didn't notice when the door opened and shut softly, two figures hugging the crying boy. They whispered words of comfort. Cal shifted a bit and leaned into Xylo and Inpu, crying into Xylo's shoulder. The younger boy was shaking slightly.

Cal soon calmed down a bit. "Was today too overwhelming for you?" Xylo sounded concerned. Cal just silently nodded and pressed himself closer.

Cal soon cried himself to sleep, comfortable in the arms of basically the only two people he could actually trust right now. He looked peaceful, tear marks still on his cheeks.

Xylo gently ran a hand through Cal's hair. He felt protective over the boy in his arms.

Inpu rubbed Cal's back. "Poor kid, he's only in high school. Must be rough going through all this trauma."

Xylo nodded. "We need to do a better job looking out for him. I couldn't bear to see him dead..."

Inpu nodded as well, yawning slightly. Xylo picked up Cal and placed him on the bed, climbing in after and cuddling him. Cal snuggled into Xylo's chest as Inpu slipped under the blankets and cuddled him from behind.

The three were quietly snoring there for the rest of the night.
Word Count: 270
You cannot tell me they didn't treat Cal like a younger sibling there I can see it and I freaking love it they're basically brothers now-
Also anyone ever realize how young Cal is supposed to be compared to the rest of camp like he's pretty young in my headcannons.

Have an awesomely splendid day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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