Some of My Headcannons

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Okay so here we go. A lot of these are about Actual Boatnose's characters by the way, I don't know why but I love them all.
*Ok is still joe's barbecue and foot massage in my phone for those who were wondering*

-Riccaro has been adopted by everyone at camp.

-Cal grew up in the city and knows how to fight because he often had to defend himself when going on midnight walks.

-Cal has insomnia and sleeps best during the day.

-Cal often takes walks in the middle of the night.

-Bryan is hesitant to flirt with people in fear of them pushing him away.

-No matter how hard they try to deny it, both Brandeen and Lychee (if they're separate people it's very confusing to me small brain) sleep with a stuffed R.E.D. (Aka a Phoenix)

FTO Season 1-3(I think)

-Micheal occasionally goes on rampages when trying to reject his vampire side and gets very dangerous when this happens.

-WAVE are basically like siblings at this point.

FTO Season 4

-Lucas is the mom of Divinis Magia.

-When Lucas is angry there is no getting in his way if you wish to keep your eyeballs.

-Everyone might day Brandon or Micheal are the scariest when they're angry, but it's actually Lucas.

-Lucas rarely gets truly mad but when he does you better run.

-Lucas's hand-to-hand combat is some of the best in Atlantide.

-Have you ever considered the god slayer siblings? Well now you have and it's amazing. Someone please write more stuff about the god slayers being siblings and not just the dragon slayers I know I will.

-LoPho and Tapio are like annoying cousins to each other.

-All of the guild leaders have a game night.

-No matter how hard they try, nobody has ever beaten Lucas or Brandon at Uno. When playing against each other the game can last for hours because both are so stubborn.

-The only ones out of Divinus Magia, Grimdhade, and the Wandering Coins who can cook are Lucas, Micheal, and surprisingly Colin. Everybody else just burns down the kitchen.

-The Protectors Guild are also nicknamed "The Master Chefs" because everybody except for Bryan can cook. Bryan just ends up exploding things.


-Lucas is the mom friend, but when it comes down to it is the youngest and most innocent out of the trio.

-I don't know why, but I always imagine Lucas often committed arson before the apocalypse and his code name for when doing so was "Boat." He wore a mask so that's why Ritchie never recognized him.

-Micheal is guilty of tax fraud.

-I know this is basically canon at this point, but the half-zombies are a family at this point.

-Colin and Seek have obvious crushes on one another, but only Colin has noticed and he's too nervous to ask out Seek.

-Bri is not only a mechanic, but also learned how to hack and is surprisingly good at it. She had a lot of free time so she learned how to hack.

-Bri is also very good at picking locks to the point where it's very suspicious.

-The Misfits have weekly cuddle piles in Colin's room.

-Nobody is willing to admit it, but all of the Misfits love Colin's room the best because of how unique it is.

-Kevin is also half-zombie, that's why he's still alive when any normal fish would have died.

-Colin's room is right above Seek's, so whenever they hang out in Seek's room he just jumps from his balcony to Seek's.


-Micheal has the strangest taste in everything to the point where no sane or normal being would like it.
For example the pumpkin spice latte with extra cranberry sauce.

-Brandon and Lucas both need to cuddle something to sleep, so they often end up cuddling. (BROTHERLY LOVE FOLKS)

-Lucas knows how to cook, Brandon does not.

-Brandon, Blythe, Mario, and Mitch have all bonded over having to deal with their idiots 24/7.

-Lucas, Bri, Bryan, and Jackson are best friends.

-The Imp is constantly annoyed by Doot and Dat recreating vines every two seconds.


-Doesn't matter who you are, Micheal will find you and Micheal will mother you.

-Micheal is absolutely amazing with children and is the only one trusted by Mario and Kay to babysit Daisy.

-Ritchie, on the other hand, is terrible with kids.
"Um, why is it crying. No, stop. How do I make it stop, is there an off switch?"

Hope y'all enjoyed this! I made this so I had something to do until I get something for my cramps, now back to scrolling aimlessly through my library. Before y'all comment, yes I am aware that Lucas happens to be my favorite character in each series except for OoOS1 cuz he was not there. It's gotta be Austin in that one. Have a great day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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