Lucas is the Best Mom (FTO)

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Lucas woke up to harsh sunlight shining through the window. It had been a week after the grand magic games, and the guild was a mess. He knew that Ritchie and the rest of the guild were in pain after loosing Brandon, and heck so was he, but Lucas knew that they had things to do and couldn't be drunk forever like Ritchie or work themselves to the bone like Mario and David seemed to be doing. Lucas got ready for the day with a determination to help out his guild.

David's POV

I had been training since around dawn and my magic was a bit... drained. I couldn't stop to rest though, I had to get stronger so I could help find our guild leader. Maybe if he was strong enough, he would be able to find Brandon and bring him home. David was about to fire another icicle at the dummy when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  

"You should probably take a break David, you're looking a bit pale and you're breathing heavily." David glanced at Lucas before turning back to the training dummies, shrugging Lucas's hand off of his shoulder in the process. Lucas walked in front of David before he could use any more magic. "David. Go rest, you need it."

David opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut his mouth when Lucas gave him one of the most terrifying glares he had ever seen. "Fine..." David rolled his eyes and let Lucas lead him away from the training are. Although he would never admit it, he was happy that Lucas was acting like this. It made David feel at home.

Mario's POV

Mario had just finished a difficult quest and he looked horrible, but he had enough time to do one more. He started to walk towards the quest board when he heard someone speak behind him. "Where are you going, your house is the other way."

Mario turned around to see Lucas standing there with a stern expression and his arms crossed, almost like a mother would. "I have time for another quest, so I might as well before it gets dark." Before Mario could continue to walk towards the quest board, Lucas grabbed his arm and started dragging him away.

"I swear you're just like David, you are getting rest. No way am I letting you walk around like that, there's no chance I'm letting you do a quest! Now c'mon, am I going to have to drag you the whole way?" Lucas glanced at Mario before letting go of his arm and walking back to Mario's house. Mario sighed as he followed, internally happy to have finally found a mother figure to look up to.

Kit's POV

Kit glanced around the forest, seeing no possible chances of escape. She had chosen the wrong quest it seems, as she was currently backed against a tree with no way of escaping the mage in front of her. In one last desperate attempt, she launched a fireball into the sky as a signal for help. The shadow mage saw this and laughed at her weak attempt.

Just before the mage could strike her however, he was blasted away by a stream of water. Lucas appeared on one side of the clearing, rage clear in his eyes. Tapio quickly ran over to Kit as she collapsed, helping her up and out of the area of the fight. The green cat tried his best to heal her injuries, healing all but a deep gash on her leg from the enemy's sword.

Soon Lucas reappeared in his godly form, shadow mage unconscious in the middle of the clearing. "Are you alright Kit?" He sat next to her and began to use his healing power on her leg. 

Kit looked up at him. "Yeah I'm fine, Tapio healed most of my wounds. How did you get there so fast though?" Lucas glanced at Tapio as he wrapped Kit's leg in spare bandages, unable to have fully healed the wound on her leg.

"Oh, I was walking with Lucas in the forest when we saw the fireball you shot into the sky. We followed it and found you." Tapio got up. "I should probably go inform Mario about what happened, he is basically Kit's older brother." The green cat then walked away.

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