Headcannons for OoOS2 (Again)

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I know I'm procrastinating but like school sucked more than normal today. Anyways have some more  headcannons. Sorry about my lack of interesting goodbye today, I'm really tired.

-Cal totally sees Mikeal, Inpu, Magnus, and Solis as family, mainly because they were the first demigods and friends he met in Camp Oasis.

-Cal is totally bisexual and you cannot change my mind. He gives off those disaster bisexual vibes.

-Idk if this is cannon cuz I'm behind on OoOS2 a bit but just in case it isn't Magnus uses they/them pronouns and will have your head if you misgender them.

-Davis adopts any and all beans he meets. That's just the way of life at Camp Oasis.

-Cal loves cuddles, fight me.

-Mario and Cal are best friends because of the whole 'relating to each other' thing.

-I'm only putting this here because I have an OC that's a child of Bastet but kinda like how the goddess was a guardian for Carter and Sadie in the Kane Chronicles, Bastet's children act as saytrs for Egyptian demigods.

-Solis goes to sleep early and wakes up early because his dad is the sun god.

-Colin, Austin, and Seek can immediately tell when one of their brothers is feeling down and will do anything in their power to cheer them up. Wether that involves murder and other illegal activities or not, they're willing to do it.

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