Pillow Fort Discussion (OriginZ)

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Seek set down the remote he was holding and yawned. He glanced at the clock in Justin's room and immediately turned to his friends. "Uh guys, it's 2am."
Colin looked up at Seek. "What no it's no- oh. Nevermind it is."
Seek shook his head and laughed quietly. "How exactly do you plan on getting us to our rooms without waking up everyone else?"
Justin thought for a second. "Sleepover?"
Colin nodded. "Sleepover."
Seek sighed. "Sleepover it is then." Justin turned off the game they were playing before getting up to grab some blankets from his closet. "Um.. what are you doing Justin?" Coin questioned his best friend.
"Pillow fort time." Seek snorted but got up to help anyways. Colin also tried his best, but ended up mostly watching the other two build the fort. When the fort was complete, Seek and Colin turned on the lamps inside the fort while Justin turned off the main lights in his room. The three friends then climbed into the fort.
"Who wants to feed Kevin a gumball?" Colin then grabbed Kevin from thin air.
Seek gave him a strange look. "You.. brought a dead fish?"
"Kevin's not dead! Do you want to feed him a gumball or not?" Seek shook his head no, as did Justin. "Suit yourself." Colin then dropped a gumball into Kevin's fishbowl. What surprised Seek and Colin the most was that Kevin actually ate it. The fish was alive. Seek honestly had no clue how it was, after going on a stealth mission gone wrong and living off of gumballs anyone (but Colin) would have thought Kevin would be dead but apparently Kevin was some sort of immortal being.
Colin then put Kevin away, back into what Seek thought was Colin's pocket, but he wasn't quite sure. "Anyways, what do we do now?"
Justin glanced at Colin. "Actually, I had a question. What was with the whole yandere thing yesterday?" Seek then looked at Colin. "Yeah, I was wondering that too. What happened dude?"
Colin's eyes widened before he looked away from them. "I-I, it was n-nothing."
Seek was worried for his boyf- best friend. "He reached over and pulled Colin into a hug. Colin immediately hugged back as he started to quietly sob. Justin quickly hugged Colin as well, concerned for him. "Bestie? You know you can tell us anything, right? We won't judge you for it."
Seek nodded at Justin's words. "Yeah, you can count on us buddy." He started to lightly run his fingers through the mess that was Colin's hair.
Once Colin calmed down, he explained the whole half-zombie situation. It made perfect sense to Seek, Colin was dying a few days ago after all. Justin was a bit confused, but nodded along anyways and was most likely going to ask Seek about it later.
"I'll be right back guys, I have to go grab something." Justin carefully left the pillow fort, leaving Seek and Colin alone.
"Hey, Seek?"
"I.. I just wanted to say that... I kindofreallylikeyouandI-"
Colin was cut off by Seek lightly kissing his forehead. "I like you too, you idiot. Boyfriends?"
"Boyfriends." Colin then cuddled closer to Seek.
Justin came back into the pillow fort a minute later, carrying his guitar.
Seek gave him a questioning look, still stroking Colin's hair. Justin awkwardly blushed. "I just thought.. Music usually helps me sleep, so why not sing a lullaby?"
"Thanks bestie! That would be great!" Colin snuggled close as he could to Seek, causing Seek to blush. Justin smiles at them. "Great!"
(The song Justin sings is Safe and Sound by the way, I'm too lazy to put the lyrics or anything so time skip to the morning.)
Austin walked into Justin's room after knocking, slightly worried about the lack of reply. He soon smiled at his friends after walking up to the pillow fort and peering into it. Seek was hugging Colin to his chest, lightly snoring. Colin was cuddled as close to Seek as he could get, and Justin was sprawled on top of them. Austin chuckled as he left, having taken pictures of the adorable sight. He mentally reminded himself to give Seek the talk later, feeling protective of the younger member of the Misfits.
Word Count: 711
Thank you to @BeanOrigins for suggesting this, it was fun to write and a good learning experience for me! Sorry if you wanted no ships, I felt as though I needed to get slightly better at writing them so I kinda flipped a coin to choose the ship and went with it. Anyways thanks for reading!
KayBee out!

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