Day Seven: Drinks (OoOS2)

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*I think we all know what I'm writing for this chapter. I have to, I need to take this opportunity XD.*

Colin stares at the bottle in from of him in betrayal. Someone had spiked his drink with tomb juice and now he had rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. He also had a unicorn horn, but Colin ignored that for now. He was a freaking rabbit person. Austin and Bri laughed at him while Seek stared at his ears in curiosity.

Seek then took a sip of his drink. That turned out to be a mistake as well, seeing as he now had butterfly wings and little antennas on his head. Seek also had a cat tail. Now Austin and Bri started to laugh harder while Seek and Colin blushed from embarrassment.

Bri and Austin ended up having to leave to go on a quest, leaving Seek and Colin alone. The two were now sitting in Colin's room. They were sitting in his bed. It was silent until Seek spoke up.

"So Colin, can I pet you? Like, can I touch your ears? They look fluffy." Colin blushed at the thought of being pet by Seek.

"Um, sure. I don't really see why not." Colin leaned over a bit so Seek could easily reach the fluffy rabbit ears on his head.

Seek carefully reached out a hand and stroked one of Colin's new ears. Colin leaned into the touch. Seek sat there for a bit petting Colin. Eventually, Colin ended up falling sideways onto Seek. Seek blushed and silently stared at Colin, not stopping his pets. Colin's soft snores told him that Colin had fallen asleep.

Seek's tail subconsciously curled around Colin as he carefully rearranged them so that Seek was laying down with Colin on his chest. He was cautious around Colin's strange horn though. Slowly, Seek drifted off to sleep. Eventually, Austin and Bri came back to fin the two cuddling. They snapped a few pictures to tease them with later before quietly leaving, letting the two sleep off the effects of the tomb juice.

Word Count: 348
I finally caught up with the writing prompts! I still have to catch up with the art I'm doing, but I can do that tomorrow or the day after depending on how busy I am. Right so like tomb juice was just perfect for this prompt and I couldn't resist.

Have a wonderful day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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