And the World Burned (OoOS2)

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⚠️ There is angst here. There are also mentions of blood, major character death(s), and the end of the world. There is also an OC in here. You have been warned.⚠️

Xylo sat on the dirt beneath him, gazing around the ruins of the place he once called home. Everything had gone south since Set awoke again.. everything changed when he saw Riccaro for the last time.

There was a young girl next to him. She had short brown hair, black glasses, green eyes, tan skin, slight freckles, and cat ears and a tail. She stared up at him in wonder. "Wait, you knew him personally?"

Xylo smiles slightly. "Yeah..."

Xylo could only watch as Set went berserk on Cal, stabbing him straight through the stomach. Tears poured down his face as he lost what little hope he had. All around him was a bloody massacre, his family being torn apart before his eyes. He was unable to do anything but watch.

There was a bright light shining from the center of the battlefield. A bright light from where Set had just murdered Cal. And there he was.

The blue haired demigod was back but... he looked different. He looked younger. Cal stepped forwards, and with one last blink he was gone. Everyone was gone.

And Xylo was left alone.

"...I knew all of them. At least, I hope I did..."

Inpu was stood in front of him, tears in his eyes. He was the only survivor besides Xylo, only living because of his husband's final sacrifice. His words would haunt Xylo for the rest of his life.

"You don't know a thing about me!"

The girl's eyes shone with curiosity, innocence. It reminded Xylo so much of him. "What were they like?"

Xylo's smile grew larger, but it was different. It was a cloned version of his old smile, the smile he wore for his friends. The smile he wore when he was happy. The smile he wore before his world turned inside out. He sounds broken, shattered with his next words.

"They were going to change the world."

The funeral was silent. Inpu left a long time ago, leaving to live in the Egyptian version of the underworld until he could finally see his love again. But Xylo stayed.

He paid his respects to every last one of them, old and new. He left flowers, talked to them every day. He cried with them. He laughed with them.

But he was alone.

None of them fulfilled their destinies. Xylo cried tears full of regret, tears full of sorrow. Their wasted potential, their lives that were torn from their grasps. It all fell into his hands now.

He was known as a ghost of sorts among newer generations. The only one insane enough to live in a war zone, to live in a place that only brought grief. But Xylo knew what these ruins meant to him, and so he stayed.

And around him, the world burned.


Word Count: 467
Okay so the first thing I post after being dead was angst but like angst is awesome in my opinion. It was based off of the picture on the bottom and I'm not sorry. In my opinion OoOS2 was honestly one of the best origins series yet.

Anyways, have the bestest day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

Anyways, have the bestest day/night wherever y'all are!KayBee out!

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