An Injured Friend (SNO)

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Brandon honestly didn't know how he got himself into this situation. He had gone for a small flight around the whale and had decided to rest on the roots of a nearby tree in the forest. Bad move. As soon as he landed, he was jumped by a hunter. He had flown into the branches of the tree above him where the hunter couldn't reach, but it was obvious he wasn't going to fly anywhere anytime soon because of the rifle the hunter was carrying and currently shooting up into the tree. Brandon didn't want to risk moving in fear of the bullets hitting his wings, so he hugged the trunk of the tree and hoped for the best. 

Suddenly, one of the bullets hit him in the shoulder. Brandon forced back a groan of pain and winced. Lucky for him, the hunter seemed to give up and walk away. Brandon stayed in the tree for what seemed like hours, but in reality was actually just 30 minutes, before finally flying back to the whale. At this point it was obvious the bullets were laced with some sort of drug as Brandon could barely fly. His world was spinning as he collapsed outside the door. The last thing he saw was Lucas's face as he lost consciousness and everything faded to black.

When he woke up next he was in his bed. Brandon looked to see his shoulder bandaged up and Lucas in a chair next to the bed. Lucas caught Brandon's eye with a worried expression. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Brandon blinked at his friend's questions. He started to sit up, wincing as his headache made itself known and his shoulder screamed in protest. He felt a hand on his back, slowly helping him sit.

"Thanks, Lucas. I feel like my head is going to split in two, so to answer your question I'm doing great." Lucas rolled his eyes at Brandon's sarcastic behavior. He then reached over and picked up a mug from the bedside table before handing it to Brandon.

"Drink this, it's toffee mixed with the medicine you taught me about, it may help with the headache." Brandon gratefully took the toffee and took a long sip. The two friends sat there talking until Brandon eventually fell asleep.

When Brandon was finally able to walk again, Lucas stuck by his side like a dog. Brandon didn't mind, though. It was strange behavior for him because of his missing memories, but having someone being protective of him and genuinely care about him felt nice for a change. Maybe he could make this place feel like home after all.


Word Count: 441 

Right so I just finished what I like to call "online torture," aka online school, for the day and I needed something fun to do and wrote this! This is set before the Wild Hunt but after Lucas stopped wearing the maid dress, so they don't know about the whole sibling thing. I've been seeing a lot of "FTO/SNO/OoO/OZ react to things" and they look fun to write, as well as incorrect quotes, so if one of those books pops up on my profile it's because it looked fun. Anyways, expect the next two chapters to be either OoO or OZ because I want to include all of the origins (popular ones anyway) and I haven't written anything for those yet so stay tuned!

KayBee out y'all, YEet!

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