Extremely Serious/Important

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So I've been seeing this thing go around called pride fall. What these people are doing is just wrong and everybody that is LGBTQ like me needs to be extremely careful during pride month this year. About the whole police violence thing as well since I have the opportunity to talk about this, I believe that nobody deserves to be treated unequally. Any police officer or person in general who thinks that black people don't deserve equal treatment can go shove their opinions and hate up their own... you know what I mean. What some people think is okay is actually just abuse and murder. THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE A R R E S T E D.

If you ever think about joining pridefall or that black people are below you get the everloving fuck off of my book and go back to hell because N O B O D Y DESERVES TO BE TREATED LESS THAN HUMAN. I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU CAN DO, N O O N E SHOULD BE TREATED UNEQUALLY BECAUSE ALL OF US ARE HUMAN. No one is worth more than anybody else.

Remember, stay safe please. I don't care what you have to do, just don't let yourself or those you care about fall victim to awful people like these. If you let yourself become their prey, they won. I know how much people hate loosing. Give people like these the middle finger, stay safe and away from all this hate going around this year.

I know 2020 has been probably one of the worst years for everybody right now, but we have to get through it. We have to make it better. If the world can survive 2020, who knows what we could do next. Help end hate spread by awful people, keep our future generations safe and protected from hate like this. Stay. Safe.

Sorry for the swearing, but I felt it needed to be done. Have an extremely safe day/night wherever y'all are.
KayBee out.

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