S'more Quick Headcannons

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-All of the Egyptian demigods love s'mores and have daily s'more nights

-Magnus and Cal have a sibling relationship. Cal is the younger brother while Magnus is the older sibling

-Cal can and will fall asleep anywhere and everywhere (kinda like my OC daughter of Bastet). His friends have had to drag him out of his many hiding places

-Cal totally taught Magnus to climb stuff so that whenever he falls asleep on one of the huge statues at the entrance to camp they can easily get him down

-Imma write something about this but like what if everyone found out about Cal's fighting abilities when they were cornered by a human-like monster that could only be defeated in a weapon less, one on one fight or something like that and Cal just waltzes right up to it and beats the life out of it before dragging everyone home to heal their injuries

-Cal May act like the mom friend but he's really that one friend/sibling that acts like a stereotypical immature teenager half the time and serious the other

-Cal has a roommate back in his city, I don't care who it is that's up to your imagination

-Cal has an obsession with stargazing now that he can see them better than he could in the city. Like he'll be walking around in the middle of the night and just look up to stare at the stars and ends up walking into a tree or something

-Magnus and Cal's favorite spots to watch the sunset, sunrise, go stargazing, or just hang out is on top of one of the statues at the camp entrance. Occasionally one of the ones who can fly will greet them but otherwise it's great sibling bonding time

-Sometimes Magnus and Cal manage to drag Inpu to their hang out spot, even though he refuses to learn to climb anything

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