Dares Part 4!

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KayBee: This dare is for immortals Micheal and is from IronTooth43 and their dare was for Immortals Micheal to be nice to people in his universe!

Micheal: I really don't want to do this.

Grumpy: And I don't want to be here, we don't always get what we wish for.

Immortals Micheal walks off grumbling.

Micheal walks up to Ritchie and Austin and raises a hand in greeting.

Austin: What's up with you? KayBee give you a dare this time?

Ritchie snorts: I cant imagine that, Micheal doing a dare. It seems ridiculous.

Micheal really wanted to snap at them but he stayed silent, not wanting to be yeeted out of existence and then dragged back by KayBee for not doing the dare.

Austin: You alright buddy? You're awfully quiet today.

Micheal: Yeah, I'm doing just fine. How are both of you doing?

Ritchie and Austin were a little surprised by Micheal's friendly behavior, but still replied with: Fine...

Micheal: Great, I got y'all presents.

Micheal handed carefully wrapped presents to Ritchie and Austin, blushing slightly and looking away from them. They both open the presents at the same time.

Ritchie: Is this a new bandana? I've always wanted one of these, my old one is practically falling apart! Thank you!

Austin held up another stuffed toy, this one a squirrel: Hey, Fred has a friend! I'm naming her 'Stacey.' Thanks Micheal!

Both friends hugged the hybrid, all three of them blushing.

KayBee: Aww now isn't that just sweet.

Grumpy: Ew, feelings. I'd rather yell at everybody, thanks.

KayBee, laughing: Have an amazing day/night wherever y'all are!

KayBee and the bees: KayBee out!

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