YEet, but backwards

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Inpu, Magnus, Riccaro, Solis, and Mikeal were hanging out at the bottom of some trees in the camp. Suddenly, Magnus has a thought.
Magnus: Hey, where's Cal?
There's some slight rustling in the tree above them before Cal drops down, hanging upside down by his knees on one of the branches.
Cal: Yo.
Everybody is then like: Cal what the heck?
Cal just replies that he was sleeping and to call him if they need anything before he disappears back into the branches leaving everybody confused.
I'm too lazy to make this an actual chapter right now so have this. That's probably why the title is so random as well tbh -^-
Have an awesomely, beautifully, fantastically amazing day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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