A Conversation in a Pillow Fortress (OriginZ)

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Colin was not looking forward to the day. He'd honestly rather spend it cuddled into his new boyfriend's chest, his best friend crushing his legs as both of them softly snored. Colin knew that wasn't going to happen, though. He had to explain to the other misfits what had been happening to him lately, they deserved to know. He knew Austin would take it well, seeing as he was there for the whole 'there's a zombie in safe haven' ordeal, but nobody else knew of the existence of people like himself.

Colin was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the weight on his legs disappear. He groaned and cuddled closer to Seek, not ready to get up yet. He heard a chuckle coming from the entrance to the pillow fort.

He looked up to see Austin looking at him, the rest of the Misfits behind him. Colin internally cringed at his inescapable doom. Turns out Seek had been awake the entire time. "Morning sleepyhead. How you feeling?"

Colin just went limp and tried to go back to sleep, despite being a zombie and not actually needing it. He heard someone, who was most likely Justin, speak to him. "Cmon, you have to explain to them what happened with you the other day. If it makes you feel better, we all could most likely fit in the pillow fort if we make some adjustments."

Colin hesitantly sat up and was immediately pulled into Seek's lap. The others got to work on fixing the pillow fort, climbing inside when it was done. There was silence until Bri's voice sliced through it like a butter knife. "Sooo.... what was up with you? I've never seen you act so strangely."

Colin fought back tears and looked at the ground. "I'm really, really, really sorry for that. I.." He sighed and hugged Seek for support. "Um.. Austin, you remember that Ritchie guy from that zombie incident, right?"

"What does that have to do with- oh. Does that mean... you aren't... are you?" Austin's eyes widened so much Colin would have laughed at him in a different situation.

"Yeah.. I am. I'm basically half zombie now, and I guess Detective Williams is kinda my father now too? He's the one who saved/bit me, sooo it's possible?" Colin was so lost in thought he didn't notice everyone else looking VERY confused before being filled in on the situation by Austin. Colin suddenly snapped back into reality. "Oh yeah, that doesn't explain the behavior stuff. So basically I have to... eatbrainseventhoughit'ssuperdisgustang.... and I guess the, uh, food I ate was bad? As soon as I ate it I had this weird hallucination thing and I saw a zombie literally in my floor. I went to sleep after that and I woke up weird."

"So what you're saying is that you're a 'freaker' now? That's what Nick would say, anyways." Marshie spoke up, looking at Colin with something close to... amazement?

"If that's what he calls zombies then I guess.." Colin turned away, visibly upset. He felt his boyfriend hug him tighter as he cuddled against Seek's side. Multiple 'awws' could be heard from Bri, Marshie, and Justin. Colin was still upset though.

Well, Colin was upset until Austin hugged him as well. Colin's eyes turned into saucers as he felt a gentle hand combing through his hair, almost like an older brother would. "You aren't a freak Colin, stop thinking that about yourself. You're still just as a part of the misfits as you were before, now you're just.. special." Austin whispered words of comfort to his younger sibling as the rest of the misfits joined the hug. Colin twisted in Seek's grasp time wrap one of his arms around Austin, keeping one around Seek as he held his boyfriend and brother tightly and cried.

The Misfits stayed in Justin's room for the rest of the day and night, Austin occasionally going down for food for all of them. Colin was really happy to have a family that finally felt like his.

Word Count: 677
Ok I didn't edit this so it's not great but I think it's ok at least. I am tired and going to sleep now though. Thank you to @lunar_thedragon for suggesting this, I had fun writing it! Have a magical day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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