The Three Amigos (OoOS2)

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*So I noticed I've done literally nothing with Bryan yet and Cal and Riccaro are my two favorite OoOS2 characters so I created this. I woke up at 3am from cramps and thought,"Why not."*

Bryan ran from Mario as he heard shouting behind him. Nobody seemed to like him anymore, even though the Seductive Rose incident was not his fault. Miss Kaykrae made sure that every new camper knew about him, now he had no chance of making new friends.

Bryan ran wherever his legs felt like taking him, crying his eyes out. He flew up into a random tree and sat in the branches, sobbing. What he wasn't expecting was for someone to have sat next to him.

Bryan turned with tears still in his eyes to see a young boy with mint hair and lots of eye liner surrounding his bright blue eyes. The boy gave him a comforting smile as he caught Bryan's gaze.

"Hi, I'm Cal. I'm assuming that you're this Bryan guy I've heard about, so I'm assuming I probably don't have to ask what's wrong?" Cal chuckled at the end of his sentence, seemingly very awkward. "I don't know, I got here not too long ago and I'd rather not trust rumors and past events when talking to people."

Bryan was shocked. "If you heard the rumors, then why are you talking to me?"

"Like I mentioned, I don't trust stuff easily. Took me about a day and a half to accept the demigod thing, still haven't found my parent so I don't fully believe it yet. I do know I'm Egyptian though."

Bryan perked up with interest. "That sounds cool, I haven't actually met anyone from the Egyptian part of camp yet."

The two sat in the tree talking until dark, promising to meet up at the campfire below again the next day.

-Time Skip Todaloo-

When the two new friends sat talking on a log, someone approached them. His red skin and pale whiteish hair was intriguing.

"Hi I'm Riccaro!" The boy greeted the two. Bryan and Cal glanced at each other, both noticing that the male in front of them was obviously short.

Cal decided to go ahead and introduce them. "Hi, I'm Cal son of some Egyptian god or goddess and this is Bryan son of Aphrodite. It's nice to meet you Riccaro."

Riccaro was quickly accepted into their small friend group, the other two extremely overprotective of him. That didn't mean that Riccaro and Cal didn't help Bryan with the still untrusting campers.

It was about a week since the three had become friends, and everyone in camp had learned to not mess with any of them. Cal may be a nervous wreck most of the time, but he knew how to fight from living in the dangerous city and was not scared to defend himself, Bryan, and Riccaro. Bryan was not afraid to threaten the lives of anyone who were bullying his friends and has smacked several people with his wings. Riccaro was just a bean, but still would lecture people on being rude if he caught them.

Cal and Bryan had fun teaching Riccaro about the human world. Overall, the three quickly became one of the most tight-knit groups in camp.

Word Count: 546
This popped into my head so you're welcome. Also, OoOS2 is open for asks/dares now too. It feels like forever since I've done one of those wow. Also someone help me with chapter names please I suck at them- nah just kidding I think I'm doing great. Have an amazing day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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