You're Stuck With Us! (Superhero Academy)

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*Warning: This chapter has slight mentions of mental abuse(very bad cuz this is not something I've experienced). Remember that if you or someone you care about is being abused physically or mentally please get help. Never EVER tell someone hurtful things, you have no idea what they're going through. Stay safe and enjoy this chapter!*



Make it stop... please..... Sobbing could be heard as the young boy cried on the floor, taunts and jabs coming from his peers and his family. He cried and cried, begging for help.

BuT nObOdY cAme...


The boy in question jolted awake, breathing heavy and his heart pounding. He looked around with wide eyes, not knowing where he was at first.

"Brandon?" Micheal looked at him with a concerned gaze, Ritchie and David behind him. Brandon looked terrified. Micheal carefully reached over and rubbed his friend's back, sitting next to him on the bed in the process. David also carefully sat down on the bed next to Brandon's legs, holding one of his hands. Ritchie carefully climbed in between Brandon and the wall, hugging him and whispering soothing words. Ritchie's cold temperature was a nice change from the scorching heat coming from Brandon in waves, his fire abilities activating in his distressed state.

"Can you tell us what happened?" David quietly questioned Brandon when he calmed down and leaned into Ritchie's touch. Brandon clung to Ritchie as he flinched at the memories.

"I..." Brandon glanced around at their worried faces. "Fine...." His cru- FRIENDS stayed quiet as he started to speak. "As a child, before I met Micheal, I was bullied. I was bounced around foster care a lot back then, and kids didn't like me much because of my fire powers. They said I was worthless and a mistake and-" Brandon buried his face in Ritchie's chest and began to sob. The arms around him tightened, and he felt Micheal and David join the hug. Brandon felt safe and secure in their arms, and relaxed not long after. He then said something that broke the other three's hearts. "I.. I'm just scared you guys will abandon me like everyone else...."

Ritchie then held onto Brandon as tight as he possibly could. "No way we would ever abandon you, you're too important to us! We're the iconic four, Ember-Wyvern Screech," Brandon smiled at the name, face still buried in Ritchie's chest,"Rip-Off Wonder Woman," Micheal snorted and rolled his eyes,"The Terminator," David gasped dramatically,"and Fridge! You're apart of the team, we even have superhero names! Sorry to burst your bubble, but you ain't getting rid of us."

It was silent for a moment before they all started to laugh. "Thanks guys, I really needed that." Brandon blushed slightly as none of them pulled away from the hug. He wasn't exactly complaining though. "Wait a minute. If I woke up from a nightmare, what time is it?" Everyone looked at each other before Micheal checked his watch.

"Um.. it's midnight."

"No way is it midnight, midget!" David shut up as soon as Micheal showed him the watch. "Oh... I stand corrected."

Brandon was disappointed the hug had to end so soon, but they still had to sleep. Doesn't matter it was Friday and none of them had plans the next day, sleep was important. "You guys should go back to your own beds, I'll be fine."

Ritchie gave Micheal and David a look before both of them let go. Brandon was a bit confused as to why Ritchie still had his arms wrapped around him, but squeaked and blushed madly as Ritchie flipped them so Brandon was lying down on Ritchie's chest. Micheal carefully climbed onto one side of them while David lied down on the other. Both of them wrapped their arms around both Brandon and Ritchie, all four of them blushing like crazy.

"No way are you going to be alone tonight idiot. If you had a nightmare about being left alone, makes sense for us to stay." David ran his fingers through Brandon's hair.

Brandon was getting increasingly tired, leaning in to David's careful touch. "Shouldn't Micheal be in the middle at least? He is the smallest." Micheal blushed before burying his face in Ritchie's shoulder. All of them giggled before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Brandon was the third one awake. His eyes fluttered open to see Ritchie's chest, the memories of last night flooding back into his tired brain. "Morning, sleepyhead." Ritchie booped his nose when he lifted his head. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept well." David was sitting next to them, but Micheal still had Brandon and Ritchie in a death grip.

"Why hasn't Micheal let you guys go yet?"

"I can answer that for you. Long as I've known him, if you give him something to cuddle when he's tired or asleep and you're never getting it out of his grip until he's awake again. Luckily, he's pretty easy to wake up." As he said this, Brandon pinched Micheal's arm. Micheal jumped awake with a yelp, releasing the two in the process. He glared at Brandon as him and Ritchie sat up.

The four sat on the bed in silence until Ritchie spoke up. "Sooo.... are you feeling any better?" Brandon nodded at his friend's question, even though he felt a little sad that the cuddling had ended. Ritchie seemed to see right through him. For being an idiot at everything else, he was surprisingly good with emotions.

"I don't believe that in the slightest. What's wrong?" All three of his friends looked at him with worry. He blushed slightly before looking away from them.

"Oh.. um.... I guess that I kinda really enjoyed the affection? I've never really had anyone care for me enough to help me after a nightmare before so...." he trailed off as Micheal pushed him into Ritchie. Ritchie hugged Brandon again, giving the shortest of the four a questioning gaze.

Micheal carefully slid off of the bed. "I'm going to go make breakfast because I'm the only one that can cook, you two are going to give him affection. We're having a mental health day today." He walked into the kitchen.

David stares at his short friend as he left before turning to the other two. Very gently, the tallest one sat with his back against the headboard and pulled the other two to his chest. Brandon's face was a tomato at this point, and the other two weren't doing much better. They sat there cuddling until Micheal came back into the room with bacon and eggs.

After eating breakfast, Micheal leaned against Ritchie and Brandon while sitting in David's lap. David somehow managed to hug Micheal as well. They sat there blushing madly before Micheal said something. "So.. guess this is a good time to say something. I like all three of you idiots and it's fine if you don't feel the same, just had to get that off my ches-" Micheal was interrupted as Brandon pulled him into a kiss. When they broke apart Micheal also got a kiss from the other two. David then kissed Ritchie and Brandon, and then Brandon and Ritchie kissed.

"Sooo, boyfriends?" David asked.

The other three glanced at the others. "Boyfriends." They replied in synch. They sat there enjoying each other's company and talking for the rest of the day and night, feeling safe and loved.

Word Count: 1240
So I felt like writing something cuz it's been a bit since I wrote something serious. I might be the only one that ships this but I can see it. Anyways, if I wrote something wrong or offensive in any way please let me know so I can change it immediately. I also want to say that if you are in a situation where you are being hurt mentally or physically by someone you are in a deep relationship with, wether it be family or friends or even lovers, please reach out to someone. I know it's hard to end a friendship or other deep connection, I've had to cut off a lot of friends I cared for in the past, but at least talk to someone about it. I'm not saying you have to go to the police or something drastic like that, but sometimes finding someone you know you can trust to rant to helps just as much. You have love and support and you don't have to suffer in these situations. Now that the serious stuff is done and said, this was actually one of the better things I've written in my opinion. I've also been thinking about writing one for ShH based on that one comment that was never addressed very much in one of the episodes. I'm sure most of y'all can figure out pretty quickly which one I'm referring to -^•. Also I'm referring to Superhero Academy as SA now. Have a fantastically magical day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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