Doge the.... BUBBLE?! (FTO)

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Lucas was honestly annoyed at this point. The amount of times David just HAD to strip in a single day was getting to be unbearable. Sure David is like an older brother to Lucas, but Lucas couldn't stand David's constant habit of stripping. Lucas decided to train a bit with his sword (like the one he used in episode one of his series, except he's really good with it in this).

Using his sword just came natural to him, he wasn't quite sure why. He practiced his fighting skills as though he was dancing, a deadly dance if anything. He felt confident in his ability with his sword, so he moved on to using both his magic and physical skills(a lot of this ain't canon by the way) at the same time. As he practiced with a huge, relaxed smile on his face, he was unaware he was being observed.

"He's pretty good with that thing." Brandon turned to his brother after hearing him whisper. "He might even be able to take down Micheal when it comes to weapons at this rate." Brandon just nodded. Brandon left, presumably to do paperwork or control the guild's infinite chaos. Ritchie decided to make his presence known to the water god slayer.

Boat heard Ritchie's footsteps and waved in greeting. "Morning Ritchie." Lucas grinned at his guild leader. Ritchie smiles back. "Morning Lucas. You're pretty good with that sword, where did you learn how to fight with it?"

Lucas snorted. "It's a funny story, actually. I'm going to save that for (whenever the author isn't lazy-) when you guys get the honor of meeting my wonderful family." Judging by how sarcastic the word 'honor' was, Lucas wasn't looking forward to that day. Ritchie decided to leave that alone for now.

"What were you doing when I walked over here, I saw a lot of bubbles rising from the floor." Ritchie questioned his guild mate. Lucas rubbed the back of his neck. "It's.. actually a game I've been working on. Kind of like doge the lightning bolt, but my own version, ya know?" Now Ritchie was intrigued. "Sounds interesting, if you need a test subject or something I'd be happy to test it out. I need something to do, anyways."

Lucas's eyes lit up. "I'd be happy to show you the game so far! First, you need to know the rules and how it works. (This game was my idea at 3am by the way.) Basically, there are going to be bubbles rising from the ground and the player has to avoid them. Once the player is caught in a bubble they have to try and pop it. If the player is caught in a bubble for more than five seconds, they're out. The goal of this game is to try and defeat me, who will be in the center at the start. The player cannot use their magic, tell anyone how to pop the bubbles, or intentionally mess someone up. The only magic I'm allowed to use is the bubbles the player has to avoid. The bubble does nothing to me. The player wins if they defeat me or pop 20 bubbles, but I win if I catch the player in a bubble or defeat the player. It can be played with multiple people, too!" Ritchie definitely wanted to play this game as soon as possible. He was about to state this when Brandon walked over to them, dragging Mario and David with him.

"Brother, these two May be in need of a game of doge the lightning bolt, their arguing almost destroyed the guild hall." Ritchie had an evil idea. He smirked and turned to Lucas. "So.. about that game you were telling me about.." Lucas knew what Ritchie meant. "Sure, sounds fun." He was wearing a smirk that matched Ritchie's. David and Mario just glanced at each other, suddenly terrified. David was a lot more cocky after hearing the rules though.

"You're going down Raindrop, your hand to hand combat CANNOT be good." Mario nodded his head in agreement. All Lucas replied with was,"We'll see about that."

Ritchie and Brandon day on top of a tree to watch the game and play as referees. The rest of Divinus Magia was curious as well, so they came to watch the show. "Ready, set, start!" Ritchie yelled down from the tree. There were bubbles everywhere in an instant. David and Mario both separated, trying to get to Lucas by themselves. Lucas just stood there with his arms crossed, watching the chaos unfold. Mario yelped as he was suddenly surrounded by a bubble, slowly drifting up. He started to punch and kick the sides of it, but had no luck. He lost the game within 30 seconds. "Mario has been eliminated!" Brandon called down from his tree. Mario was launched, still inside the bubble, at the edge of the game before the bubble popped and he landed with a loud THUNK! David has also been trapped in a bubble, but escaped within the first three seconds. The shiny white glint in each of the bubbles did not look natural to him, so he aimed for there. As soon as he escaped, he managed to make it over to Lucas after a lot of struggling. He went to punch his younger brother in the stomach, but was stopped as Lucas grabbed his arm. Lucas pinned David to the floor, took out his sword, and held it to his neck. David wiggled around, hoping to escape, before finally admitting defeat. "And David is down!" Ritchie shouted, laughter clear in his voice. All of the bubbles popped and Lucas helped David up. "That's what you get for stripping every five seconds, bro." Lucas then turned and walked away while the rest of Divinus Magia was laughing at David as he stood there shocked.

Soon enough, everyone in Divinus Magia had played the game. So far, not even the guild leaders had defeated Lucas. The guild masters had all also given it a try and failed, even when they also used weapons. Every guild in Atlantide soon heard of this new game called 'Bubble Toss,' names after how the players were thrown out of the game after loosing.

Word Count: 1042
So I was thinking of what my OCs would do in doge the lighting bolt because I couldn't sleep, when this idea popped into my brain. Lucas is my favorite character, so I'm not surprised really. I've been procrastinating on the "Mom-Off," but I will get it done soon. Look forward to that y'all. Have a dreamy day/night wherever y'all are.
KayBee out!

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