The Mom-Off may or may not be out tommorow-

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So I'm not gonna be like "what are y'all eating" or whatever, so I might not seem excited. But just so you know, I literally screeched at the top of my lungs when I saw this.

I really am grateful that y'all actually like and support my writing. It's something that I enjoy doing just as much as art and music, though this is more of a hobby than a job option for me which is kind of like baking. Not cooking though, I suck at that. Thank you to all of y'all that decided to quickly vote for this story or leave a comment for me to read or even left a request (I still take those if y'all want btw). I'm not going to ask anyone to go look at my other book(s) because the amount of support I've gotten on this one is more than enough for me. I have seen more experienced writers whose books have been around for far longer than mine has and mine still has more views than theirs, which I find insane. If y'all see another origins story, go read it. This community is really small compared to a lot of other fandoms so we gotta support each other, ya know? Enough with the cheesy stuff, I just want to thank all of y'all that actually support me like this when I was expecting little to no support and even some hate. What I've gotten is the exact opposite as is a reason why I absolutely love this community. Have a spectacular day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

Origins Oneshots (Or whatever garbage I happen to write)Where stories live. Discover now