*Insert Powerpuff Girls Theme Song* (SNO)

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*This is all texting and will have some ships. This is a continuation of 'Fun Friendships' and is the girl's group chat. I'll put their names don't worry. The names are also not creative at all and are pretty awful.*

Lukie- SoPure
Bri- Gremlin
Relena- Uvu
Marshie- Owo
Hannah- Uwu
Kay- SaveMe

So Are We Basically The Powerpuff Girls But Better? -Marshie

Gremlin: Did you know that eggs are just easily disposable children

SaveMe: Bri it's 1am go to sleep

Owo: All of us are normally up right now anyways Kay

SaveMe: You didn't have to point that out tho-

Uwu: But she did anyways

Uvu: Bri I'm having a crisis now

SoPure: What do you mean by 'easily disposable,' children should not be disposable at all

SaveMe: They are if your trash can is large enough

Uvu: Right that's enough of that conversation

Owo: What led you to that thought anyways Bri

Gremlin: I have no clue I was just staring at my ceiling and thought that

Gremlin: Everything is edible if you have no bloodstream to poison

SoPure: Why do our conversations always end up at murder ;^;

SaveMe: You rather we talk about you and a certain someone instead cuz I'm up for that

SoPure: I don't know what you're talking about

Gremlin: All of us have seen the way you look at the Devil's assistant

Uvu: 'Ight imma go murder

Uwu: No ruining ships Re

Owo: Right so how are we gonna get you two together?

SoPure: Even if he did return my feelings there is no way Brandon would approve of any relationships

SaveMe: Don't worry, he will.

Uwu: Oh no, nobody in this chat ever uses punctuation if not necessary or threateningly Brandon better run

SoPure: Kay don't murder my brother I want him alive!

SaveMe: Fine..

SaveMe: But I still have extremely strong poisons to feed him if he hurts you, intentionally or not.

Uvu: Good luck getting to him before me if that happens.

SaveMe: Truce?

Uvu: Truce.

Uwu: Oh shoot Brandon better watch his steps or he's got both mothers after him

SoPure: I should probably go, I don't want Brandon to be worried about me not sleeping properly and I'm pretty tired

Uvu: Night

Uwu: Goodbye!

Owo: Sweet dreams!

Gremlin: We'll see you tomorrow, better not forget our meeting

SaveMe: Good night.

SoPure has logged off

*Right so this isn't just texting anymore, now there's this bit too. I wAs InSpIrEd OkAy?!*

Lukie smiled at her friends as she turned off her notifications and put her phone down on her bedside table. She lied down and finally shut her eyes to sleep.

About an hour later, she was gently shaken awake. She opened her eyes to see Brandon, tears on his cheeks and eyes puffy and red. Realizing he must have had a nightmare, Lukie pulled her brother into a hug. Brandon cried into Lukie's shoulder. She rubbed circles on his back and whispered comforting words to him until he eventually fell asleep. Lukie carefully laid Brandon down on her bed, cuddling with him as she started to drift off to sleep.

"Love ya Bro..."

"Love ya too, Sis."

Word Count: 528
I said I was gonna write a texting story for the girls, so I did. I felt inspired today because school wasn't that bad. The nightmare thing I got from a few nights ago when I had a nightmare, I texted my best friend for about an hour before I finally went back to sleep. To be honest she's more like a sister to me now, I just don't know if she considers me a sibling too so imma leave that alone. Enough of me rambling about my life, y'all probably don't want me to rant about myself in a oneshot book anyways. If y'all ever need to rant to anyone or something like that, I'm always free to help! I love helping others, and even though I probably can't do anything or give good advice it still helps to rant to someone every once and a while to ye. Have an awesomely, magically, fantastically, spectacularly awesome day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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