An Explanation

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So, I've grown more out of this fandom and have stopped showing as much interest as I used to. That's fine, it happens.

I haven't left the fandom or anything, I still watch the different series and multiple POVs, I just don't feel as interested in writing these characters as before.

Updates on this book will still probably happen occasionally, but not like they used to and not as consistently as my MCYT Platonic oneshots book.

Two fandoms I have been interested in writing for recently have been MCYT and Creepypasta, though I don't plan on actually posting anything for Creepypasta seeing as I'm new to the fandom and don't do the best with horror. Don't ask me how I got into the fandom, I don't actually know myself I just got attached to some stories and characters (I'm looking at you, Third Base and X-Virus.)

So yeah, I still role play for this fandom a lot but less writing things. I am active on this platform still though, if you check out the list of fandoms I am in I have posted on my 'about' section you may request stories from any of them (except the honorable mentions) though some might be a little more OOC than others. Feel free to request OC things with my original characters as well! I have started working more on developing my characters Jules and Claire, Claire's full name is Claire Stanley Jones actually. They have birthdays, exact times they were born, different traits and personalities built more complex than before, etc. and I really hope y'all enjoy them as well as other OCs I'll be coming out with later on that will be more developed than ones now! Those can be found in my art book or OC oneshots. (My old backstory for Jules is no longer cannon.)

Have an absolute amazing day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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