I Am Suffering (This is OriginZ by the way)

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*So I am in pain and need to vent kinda so here is this. Also if this chapter makes you feel uncomfortable please do not read it. I just need to not suffer in boredom anymore and this is the best way I had to cure it. There is a mention of a single curse word. This has a Bri on her period (because I could relate to her out of all the females in OriginZ the most) and a stressed Austin. This is also based off of my own experiences. Have. Freaking. Fun.*

"But Austiiiin."

"No Bri, I will not get you spaghetti. Why do you want some anyways?" Austin glared at Bri as she begged him for the noodles.

"Pleeeeease." Bri gave Austin puppy eyes. Austin so wanted to give into her demands but he knew that the tower didn't have any pasta, so he couldn't make her spaghetti even if he wanted to.

"Bri, we don't even have spaghetti." Bri reared up at this, obviously very emotional. Austin reached over to give her a hug but was shoved away. "Hey!"

Austin glanced up at Bri from the floor to see that she was very angry. He didn't understand how she could be crying her eyes out one moment and ready to kill someone the next before he realized what was happening. He blushed slightly when he realized this but quickly went to Bri's side when he heard a whimper.

"Bri? What's wrong?"

"Mother******* cramps." Austin lightly slapped her arm when she cursed, but picked her up and carried her to her room anyways. Setting her down on her bed, he went to grab a spare heating pad the group kept just in case it got too cold.

Bri sighed in relief as soon as she placed the heating pad on her abdomen. She grabbed a stuffed dinosaur and squeezed the life out of it as Austin sat next to her on the bed.

"Anything you want?" Bri looked up at him with an adorable pout on her face.

"Gimme cuddles. Now." Austin chuckled and carefully slid into the bed next to her, careful not to disturb the heating pad. He gently wrapped his arms around Bri and held her close as he possibly could. Bri carefully rearranged herself so that she had her head tucked under Austin's chin, basically laying on him and using him as her new mattress/pillow. They sat there together throughout the entire day, Colin and Seek coming every so often to bring food for them and help fulfill Bri's endless demands. Austin smiled as he and Bri slowly fell asleep, only one thought haunting him.

"I am so not looking forward for this week."

Word Count: 410
Help me I'm dying. Idk about the other people with this issue, but whenever I'm on a certain time of the month the cramps I get are extremely painful and last about a third of the day. Sometimes I get multiple cramps a day, those days are the worst. Any who, have a much better day/night than I'm having wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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